Call for Proposals

This year's annual meeting focuses on the development of the new Field Guide to Reflection in ePortfolios. As such, we are particularly interested in proposals that serve as provocations for the community to design activities, assignments, frameworks, or assessments that will form the structure of the Field Guide to Reflection in ePortfolios, an Open Educational Resource (OER).

Proposals should address the theme "The Role of Reflection in ePortfolio Learning: Documenting Community Best Practices" and that result in entries (a chapter, section, activity, etc.) for the Field Guide to Reflection in ePortfolios. We encourage submissions that:

Proposed Session Formats

We are looking for proposals that think beyond traditional formats and foster collaborative design to engage participants in the development of the Field Guide.

Sessions can be 30, 60, or 90 minutes long.  Example formats may include:

We encourage you to think beyond traditional conference formats and to imagine ways to engage the community in this collaborative venture.

Please submit proposals including a title, abstract, and brief description of the session which outlines clear learning outcomes. Submission deadline has been extended to: June 15, 2024.

The event will be held fully in person in Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A. Online sessions will not be considered in this Call for Proposals.  A call for online sessions will follow shortly.