$1,000 Scholarship opportunity

RGV Students enrolled in high school, vocational school, college, or university have a chance to WIN a $1,000 scholarship by participating in the 2020 U.S. Census.


  1. RGV Students currently enrolled in high school, vocational school, college or university.

  2. The more family, friends, and community you assist with the census the more opportunities you will have to WIN a scholarship.

  3. Submit a Census confirmation code of an RGV address to www.rgvCensusScholarship.org between July 1—September 30, 2020.

Voter Registration Resources

Check out the Voter Registration Kit section for all supplemental needs. Such as documents that include a high school voter curriculum, instructions on how to fill out the voter registration card, and a digital form that you can use to registered people.

Last day to Register for the 2020 General Elections is October 5, 2020.