Yafestivalen. In 2017, Young Thug performed by at Øyafestivalen. Photo by: NRK P3

Young Thug and Gunna : Rapper’s Delight

I don’t know about you, but I have honestly never heard of Young Thug and Gunna before. So, let's do a little recap. Jeffrey Williams, aka Young Thug, is an American rapper who is an influential figure that has impacted the modern version of hip hop and trap music. Sergio Kitchens, aka Gunna, is also an American rapper who is well known for his collaborations with Lil Baby and Young Thug. Both of these men have done a notable selfless act together.

On April 23, Young Thug and Gunna posted a bail for 30 low level offenders in Fulton County Jail, helping them reunite with their families. Low level offenses are misdemeanors. A misdemeanor is less serious than a felony, but more so than an infraction (which typically does not involve jail time).

The reason why they did this is because the people couldn’t afford the bond and were stuck in jail for three to four years. This was basically a random act of kindness, and they made it clear that this wouldn’t be the last time they paid bonds for others.

Story by: Mia Dixon

Rolling on Mars. Perseverance Rover on mars fulfilling their mission and recording information for later research. Photo by: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Mars Rover Innovations

On July 30, 2020 in Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, the Perseverance rover was launched and on its way to Mars. It landed February 18, 2021 on Jezero Crater, Mars. It took over half a year for the rover to arrive. NASA has been making great advances in space exploration on Mars ever since the landing of the rover. On April 19, 2021, the Ingenuity helicopter took flight. On April 21, 2021 the Perseverance rover used the MOXIE program to create oxygen.

After the rover landed on Mars, it was programmed to use powerful descendants and MOXIE to create oxygen. MOXIE works by separating oxygen atoms from carbon dioxide molecules, which are made up of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. A waste product, carbon monoxide, is emitted into the Martian atmosphere. “NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory lowered an instrument known as MOXIE, or the Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment, into the belly of the Perseverance rover” (Scott Neuman & Joe Palca, NPR). This allowed the rover to make 10 minutes of oxygen in 2 hours with a toaster sized rover. If we sent up a larger rover, we could produce a lot more oxygen quicker.

Engineers hope that MOXIE can be scaled up to produce enough oxygen for future human flights to Mars. “A group of four astronauts on the red planet would require an estimated 1 metric ton of oxygen between them to last an entire year, MOXIE principal investigator Michael Hecht of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said in a NASA news release” (Scott Neuman & Joe Palca, NPR).

Percy’s main job was a technology demonstration to test the first powered flight on Mars. The helicopter rode to Mars attached to the belly of the rover. After the rover landed, multiple tests were run to ensure that the helicopter rover wouldn't fail to take off. “For the first flight on April 19, 2021, Ingenuity took off, climbed to about 10 feet (3 meters) above the ground, hovered in the air briefly, completed a turn, and then landed. It was a major milestone: the very first powered, controlled flight in the extremely thin atmosphere of Mars, and, in fact, the first such flight in any world beyond Earth” ( This shows what we are capable of and that we can hopefully inhabit Mars in the future years.

With the new technology and advances we are making, it is becoming more possible to one day live on Mars. From the creation of breathable air to helicopters flying, we would be able to make a livable area on Mars with usable transportation.

Story by: Alex Castle