Earth language and uranium 235 atomic language processing layers

Post date: Sep 11, 2015 3:11:3 AM

Rd-blog-number-6700 by Herb Zinser reviews uranium 235 atomic social science messages in the news.

The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .... atomic social anthropology message of interest ... › ... › Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


Jul 19, 2015 - 1 post - ‎1 author

Hi All, I was playing death match before and got killed by a player that I did 235 damage to .. I can make sense of it though, i shot him a few ...


Ask a Scientist is held from 1 PM to 4 PM on the first Sunday of the month (except holiday weekends when we delay by one week and in the month of the Family

Damage Given: 235 ... but not dead ?

Hi All,

I was playing death match before and got killed by a player that I did 235 damage to .. I can make sense of it though, i shot him a few times he then hid, came back and killed me. stats said i did 235 damage to him. Is this a bug or a hack ?

You did damage to him (and killed him) and he respawned and killed you so the damage given info relates the damage you given to him before he spawns, happens a lot in deathmatch.

Neither. It's you not realizing that you had killed him before, and the displayed damage doesn't reset until you die.

Let's look at this atomic English language dialogue ..

Hi All,

I was playing death match before and got killed by a player that I did 235 damage to .. I can make sense of it though, i shot him a few times he then hid, came back and killed me. stats said i did 235 damage to him. Is this a bug or a hack ? other words

Hi All ---> Base 16 High values

+ Tallahassee with FSU and Paul Dirac physics life


......allah religion of the periodic atomic table elements

with code word --> Islamic --> Islam + amic --> I sl + am + amic --> Indexed sequential access method atomic (symbol processor that equates to the physical existence of the atoms)

Mohammed and His Religion. The founder of Islam was Mohammed, born at Mecca, in Arabia, A.D. 570. He began his career as prophet and reformer in 610, when forty years old.


Mohammed --> Mo --> Molecule Mo --> Molecule modus operandi

570 --> iron-57 isotopes in his IRON hemoglobin blood

He began his career as prophet --> pro + ph + et --> proton physics ethic


Ask a Scientist is held from ....................................................

Damage Given: 235 ... but not dead ?

I was playing death match before and got killed by a player that I did 235 damage to .. I can make sense of it though, i shot him a few times he then hid, came back and killed me. stats said i did 235 damage to him. Is this a bug or a hack ?

and got killed by a player that I did 235 damage

and got killed by a player that I did 235 damage

and got killed by a p layer (Processing layer) that I did uranium 235 damage to

I can make sense of it though

I can make sense of it though

I can make sense codes ...... of it though

i shot him a few times he then hid

i shot him a few times he then hid

i shot him a few times he then hid --> message about Hideki

came back and killed me.

came back and killed me.

cam e back an ....... me.

Computer aided man e (electron,vowel, 2.718) feedback systems atomic number meson .me --> Metabolism son

Is this a bug or a hack ?

Is this a bug or a hack ?

Is this a bug or a hack ?

Daily Mail

Mar 16, 2012 - Spies will no longer have to plant bugs in your home - the rise of ... mean that people 'bug' their own homes, says CIA director David Petraeus.

Advanced CIA bio-computer subroutines .... inside the human brain


A mathematician is someone who uses an extensive knowledge of mathematics in his or her work, typically to solve mathematical problems. Mathematics is concerned with numbers, data, quantity, structure, space, models and change.

List of mathematicians -

List of INTERNAL..cia neuro-science brain spies

List of EXTERNAL .cia n-space agents -

Daily Mail

Mar 16, 2012 - Spies will no longer have to plant bugs in your home .... Hollywood planted PICTURE AND SYMBOL PROCESSOR bugs inside your optical nerve and audio nerve .....


According to Chase Craig, who was a member of Tex Avery's cartoon unit and later wrote and drew the first Bugs Bunny comic Sunday pages and the first Bugs ...

Mel Blanc - ‎A Wild Hare - ‎List of Bugs Bunny cartoons - ‎Looney Tunes

Let's look at this atomic English language dialogue as a CLUE about various expression FORMATS of Nature's systems such format being the human .... living as a subset within the vast variety of dimensions of Nature's existence .

Hi All,

I was playing death match before and got killed by a player that I did 235 damage to .. I can make sense of it though, i shot him a few times he then hid, came back and killed me. stats said i did 235 damage to him. Is this a bug or a hack ?

got killed by a player that I did 235 damage to

got killed by a player that I did 235 damage to

got killed by a player that I did 235 damage to .............


Aug 30, 2015 - A 26-year-old Oklahoma City man was killed early Sunday morning after being struck by a vehicle on Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street, ...


May 7, 2015 - WICHITA - A Wichita man is dead after a pickup crashed on I-235 near 25th Street, in northwest Wichita. The Kansas Highway Patrol identified ...

Aug 14, 2013 - Mohamed ElBaradei, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate who was appointed vice president in the interim government last month, resigned to protest ...

- Cult Education Institute messages for University of Chicago, FermiLAB,

Office of Science, and the Department of Energy

At least 235 dead in Uganda cult fire. Members killed when doomsday sect's church set ablaze. Reuters, March 18, 2000. KAMPALA, Uganda, March 18— ...

Let's look at another blog that looks at NATURE's generated database .... created by creating tragic EVENTS to provide empirical data for scientists and theorists ..... to enhance the MODELS needed by string theory,

the Theory of Everything, Grand Unified Theory, M-theorists, etc

Cardiff University

This page by Harry Collins explains the 'science wars', which began in the early 1990s with attacks by natural scientists or ex-natural scientists who had ..

The blog post .........

Atomic social science WARS

Nature's uranium isotope I-235


Federal errors creates Oklahoma city Interstate I-235 DEATH

RD-blog-number-6699 by Herb Zinser reviews the SCIENCE WAR signal from Oklahoma City.

The data signaling EVENT ....


Aug 30, 2015 - A 26-year-old Oklahoma City man was killed early Sunday morning after being struck by a vehicle on Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street, ...

Interstate 235 is a reference to the ANWAR SADAT war CODE ... and atomic number 235 ....

The well-known Department of Energy wars ..... involve equation ....

E = mc2 is the world’s most famous equation—a mathematical formula with the power to transcend the barriers of language and culture. Matching its popularity is its deceiving complexity. Its symbols, although easily recognized, embody concepts contrary to the way things seem to be.

On Sept. 27, 1905, Albert Einstein‘s paper “Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?” was published. It was the last of four papers he submitted that year to the journal Annalen der Physik. The first explained the photoelectric effect, the second offered experimental proof of the existence of atoms, and the third introduced the theory of special relativity. The last and final paper of the series introduced m = E/c2, which was later streamlined to its now instantly recognizable form.

The engery war symbol E --> reflected in physical reality in E = Egypt

Aug 14, 2013 - Mohamed ElBaradei, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate who was appointed vice president in the interim government last month, resigned to protest ...

The world-wide physics and chemistry .... Atomic Number (AN) war started with the tragic announcement of ....


The assassination of Anwar Sadat occurred on 6 October 1981. Anwar Sadat, the President of Egypt, was assassinated during the annual victory parade held in ...

Background - ‎Assassination - ‎Aftermath - ‎See also

Uranium has the atomic number 92; its atoms contain 92 protons and 92 electrons. Each atom also has a mass number, denoted by the symbol A. The mass number of an atom is equal to the number of protons plus the number of neutrons that it contains.

Uranium generates nuclear power for electricity ... thus uranium symbolizes energy ..... for purposes of communications about the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... and atomic social anthropology war CASUALTIES.

Let's look at another blog post that cover uranoum 235 ..then we shall look at the Oklahoma City I-235 death in EARTH geography surface .... tensor space/time location of Ten --> 10th Street in Oklahoma City.


Aug 30, 2015 - A 26-year-old Oklahoma City man was killed early Sunday morning after being struck by a vehicle on Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street, ...

The other blog post ...

Uranium 235 and the Bose-Einstein condensate WAR for control of OHIO.

RD-blog-number 6998 analysis report by Herb Zinser reviews book clues that help explain Margaret Mead atomic uranium and its atomic social science expressions system that uses the atomic English language and data generating agents like Jesse Dimmick.

In addition, at the end, we shall cover the Bose-Einstein condensate war casualty in Ohio –> Samuel du Bose.


The shooting of Samuel DuBose occurred during a traffic stop for a missing front license plate on July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Ray Tensing, a white …

Location‎: ‎Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S

Date‎: ‎July 19, 2015

Deaths‎: ‎Samuel DuBose

Charges‎: Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family

Let’s look at the periodic atomic table and its 18 families / vertical columns ………..

Uranium ..atomic number 92 and atomic mass 238 ….. bottom row of table …is considered by Nature as its ..umbrella insurance atom …. it’s proper noun and SYMBOL profile of words, numbers, concepts are used as a frame of reference by Nature’s language system.

Hence … umbrella Insurance …. subset codes …

…………….um……………uran ……… expanded

universal mind ….LINK ….. uranium ….and its Margaret Mead atomic social science expressions.

For example .. atomic English word and its equation ..

Furniture –> F + ur + nit + ur + e

Function ( uranium 235 and 238, nitrogen 14 and the 14th Dali La ma(p),

uranium 92 electrons)

An example of a uranium agent and her code —> Laura Bush.


Laura Lane Welch Bush (born November 4, 1946) is the wife of the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush. She was the First Lady from 2001 to …

Early life and career – ‎Marriage and family – ‎First Lady of Texas

identifier code –> Laura Bush explains ….. symbol string –>

La + ura + bus + hex + plains …………

Load address (instruction) uranium (235 and 238) data bus Hexadecimal (Base 16)

and Plains Georgia with Jimmy Carter (car + ter –> carbon atom tiers/ echelon / hierarchy problem in physicists atomic brain cells)

President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush tape a message for the 2008 American Red Cross National Convention, March 12, 2008, in the Ground Floor … other words ….

President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush tape a message for the 2008 American Red Cross-Correlation analysis .. National Convention,

Jerry March carbon 12 (Advanced Organic Chemistry molecular militray book),

2008 –> Computer EARTH Base 2 math exponent 8 = 256,

in the Ground Floor …

Books may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.

read between the lines – Collins Dictionaries › English Dictionary

Example Sentences Including ‘read between the lines‘. Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford …

The book clues are information pointers to the situation …

Jesse Dimmick sentenced to 37 years for Colorado murder ……/man-who-held-kansas-couple-…

The Denver Post

Jun 6, 2013 – BRIGHTON — Jesse Dimmick , who killed a man in an Aurora motel before he held newlyweds hostage in Kansas, was sentenced to 37 years …

The Jesse Dimmick situation is one application example of many …. of a theory about Nature’s general information display process … a theory clearly outlined by William Shakespeare around year 1600.

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely …

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts …

in other words modern times

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely …

“All the world’s a atomic expression stage,

and all the men and women merely players

( p layers = processing layers):

they have their exits and their entrances;

and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts (such as Jesse Dimmick acts .. provide clues about modern atomic social science REALTY and the Theory of Everything of existential physics)…

Let’s look at the book…

properties of the region of convergence

The region of convergence (ROC) plays an important role in the use of -transforms for analysis of signals and systems. This lesson will teach you several very …The Significance of the Region of Convergence (ROC) – For ……/the-significance-of-the-region-of-convergencero

The Significance of the Region of Convergence (ROC). By Mark Wickert from … Define the Problem for the Signal Processing Case Study. Simulate the System …

Above, is the complex details involved in the ROC.

For the average educated person in humanities, education, office work, business …… awareness of the concept is important to your brain SYMBOL and CONCEPT processor.

The ROC concept enables the brain to consider input information thru the eye/ear …. as a signal that may need serious attention … and may find SYMBOL MACHINE concept and equation tools useful..

A good example of a group ROC (g ROC) convergence site used by Nature’s social engineering analysis systems is your local –> g ROC –> gROCery store.

Nature thanks you for your participation in its EARTH LAB specimen experiments ..modeled after William Shakespeare’s ideas.,.

Some authors have the subconscious mind ability to connect to the Carl Jung atomic collective level of thought …. … known as the GROUP MIND of the periodic table of element of life and thought. Atomic physics pioneering scientists like Niels Bohr, Paul Dirac, Erwin Schrodinger, Max Born, and other …where the first to establish communications LINKS with these energy thougt forms ….. the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family …..

that has 2 major expression formats:

a) the atomic physics of physical elements ..such as uranium used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity for light bulbs and electric motors.

b) atomic social science and political science expressions using humanoid display devices.

Above, elements and their presidents …..

. .Hydrogen President H who used the water molecule H2O to build the Hoover dam

.. Carbon President Jimmy Carbon Tiers/ echleons of organic chemistry in year 1976 …humanoid proper noun identifier –> Jimmy Carter.

Thus one can think of Jimmy Carter ….

Cartier® Official Site –‎‎

Shop & Explore Iconic Designs from Cartier® atomic.molecular

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Categories: Jewelry, Watches, Engagement, Accessories, Fragrances, and Presidents

Oxygen President O (Obama) …the world awaits his announcement about

his SECRET atomic, bio-physics identity with oxygen molecule

code 1600 –.> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue exists

agent 1600 —> 16 O O –> 16 oxygen orbitals …… of electrons inside the LUNGS and body of Obama (If he is a down to EARTH person with his feet and thoughts on solid ground).

Let’s continue onto the book clues

Above….keywords in the SYMBOL WORLD of books ………..

Jesse hooded bird

–> suggests the possibility of the existence in physical reality of a human with those identifiers

—> ….. Jesse + hoodlum/ criminal + that flies around/travels.

Looking at the news of events ….. we have the candidate ….

Jesse Dimmick sentenced to 37 years for Colorado murder ……/man-who-held-kansas-couple-…

The Denver Post

Jun 6, 2013 – BRIGHTON — Jesse Dimmick , who killed a man in an Aurora motel before he held newlyweds hostage in Kansas, was sentenced to 37 years …

Jim Fisher True Crime: Jesse Dimmick Sued People He ……/jessedimmick-sued-people-he-took….

Feb 12, 2013 – Jesse Dimmick and another man were suspects in the September 7, 2009 beating death of 25-year-old Michael Curtis, a murder that took place in Aurora, Colorado. The authorities … Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) …

Let’s review the news data base.

1) clues: Jesse –> Jesse Dimmick

2) book clue – hoodlum –> crimes of murder and kidnapping /hostage situation

3) Book words ….flies around/travels –> his presence in geography states of Colorade and Kansas

Now let’s use SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools and reviews the newspaper database.

1) Dimmick –> subset codes of name –> Dim + mic + K –>

dimensions of expression FORMATS of string theory + atoMIC + K

2) Jesse and 37 year sentence –> codes –> Jes + 37 –> IBM Job Entry Subsystem (JES) and the

human bio-computer system 370 ….. control panel used to manipulate his brain thoughts and behavior

Looking at the news …we continue analysis ….

Jesse Dimmick sentenced to 37 years for Colorado murder ……/man-who-held-kansas-couple-…

The Denver Post

Jun 6, 2013 – BRIGHTON — Jesse Dimmick , who killed a man in an Aurora motel before he held newlyweds hostage in Kansas, was sentenced to 37 years …

Jim Fisher True Crime: Jesse Dimmick Sued People He ……/jessedimmick-sued-people-he-took….

Feb 12, 2013 – Jesse Dimmick and another man were suspects in the September 7, 2009 beating death of 25-year-old Michael Curtis, a murder that took place in Aurora, Colorado. The authorities … Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) …

Keywords and concepts…..

–> Michael Curtis …………. subset letter codes

……Mic el Cu –> atoMIC element Cu = copper atom ..atomic number 29 and atomic mass 63

Nature’s creation of the atomic data generating ……… signaling EVENT ….

provides the necessary CLUE..Feb 12, 2013 – Jesse Dimmick and another man were suspects in the September 7, 2009 beating death of 25-year-old Michael CurtisThe EVE2009 beating death of 25-year-old Michael Curtis

2009 beating death of 25-year-old Michael Curtis20 + 09 ……………….Michael Curtis

20 + 09 = 29 atoMIC element Cu = copper and the working city contained within the word electri.CITYWhat additional clues may the book provide …. about these atomic English language messages.

Structure of the Atom…/ch6…

Purdue University

The number of protons in the nucleus of the atom is equal to the atomic number (Z). Thenumber of electrons in a neutral atom is equal to the number of protons. The mass numberof the atom (M) is equal to the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.Atomic number – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to The proton and the idea of nuclear electrons – [edit]. In 1915 the reason for nuclear charge being quantized in units of Z, which were now …Atomic number – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to The discovery of the neutron makes Z the proton number – [edit]. All consideration of nuclear electrons ended with James Chadwick’s ..

The TWO worlds of atomic expression …. physics of solid objects and electricity


Margaret Mead atomic social sciences, languages and atomic social laws for humanoid atomic behavior and thought expression structure.Hence, the clue provided in year 1859 …..A Tale of Two Cities – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel depicts the plight of the …Published‎: ‎1859

Author‎: ‎Charles Dickens

Publisher‎: ‎London: Chapman & Hall

Cover artist‎: ‎Hablot Knight Browne (Phiz)

Above, the atomic element He = Helium gas

Below, the atomic element …humanoid expression He –> Herbert Spencer

§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert

… in correspondence with external co-existences and sequences; and still more … said to be the continuous adjustment of (atomic ) internal relations to (atomic) external social and economic relations.Thus ……….. since Herbert Spencer was considered and responsible philosopher

…….. ……. conceptually … his brain THOUGHTS reflected the stablity of He = Helium.Why is helium consider as a stable element – Answers › … › Elements and Compounds › Noble Gases

Under normal conditions Helium will not react with anything because it has a complete outer electron shell.

Thus we think of He = Herbert Spencer as the atomic projection of the adjectives and attributes of He = Helium.

Thus ,..given the existential foundation of the periodic atomic table and its PHYSICAL atoms and their SYMBOL identity ,…… we have the atoms …… amplified and enlarged and projected onto the EARTH geography display surface ….. an information display screen using humanoids and their thoughts, behavior, and daily activities.

Kan. Man Sues Couple He Took Hostage | KMBC Home ……/12262942


Nov 30, 2011 – Jesse Dimmick of suburban Denver is

serving an 11year sentenceafter bursting into Jared and Lindsay Rowley’s Topeka-area home in … Dimmick ….. 11year sentence

Dim mic ….. 11year sentence

Dim atomic ….. 11year sentence

Dimension ….. 11 string theory words/sentences in books and the INTERNET

M-Theory: The Mother of all SuperStrings – Michio…/m-theory-the-mother-of-all-superstring

Michio Kaku

Every decade or so, a stunning breakthrough by Jesse Dimmick (empirical specimen …… data generating device for Nature’s message systems) in string theory sends shock waves racing in…

11 dimensions, in fact, there are alternate super theories based on …

of course…we remember the Manhattan project of Sept 11, 2001 message ,,,,,,,

M-Theory of Manhattan Two Towers

: The Mother of all SuperStrings – Michio…/m-theory-the-mother-of-all-superstring

Michio Kaku

Every decade or so,

a stunning breakthrough in string theory sends shock waves racing (with racing hijacked jet airplanes) ..


In 11 dimensions (information display …

. on September 11, 2001) .…. in fact, there are alternate super theories based on …

The INNER SPHERE structure ………

Below, the INTERNALS of the atomic physical structure …. and the atomic computer INTERNALs with the

atomic data space in the even integer orbitals …Binary ..Base 2 –> orbitals 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ..The even integer orbitals …… in a transformation to the EARTH geography …land .. information display surface can create EVENTS –> code letters –> EVEN + TS …even integer thought systems …..

and messenger T.S Eliot.T. S. Eliot – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Thomas Stearns Eliot OM (26 September 1888 – 4 January 1965), usually known as T. S. Eliot, was an essayist, publisher, playwright, literary and social critic, …‎The Love Song of J. Alfred – ‎The Waste Land – ‎The Hollow Men – ‎Four Quartetst.

Thus we have the code word –> Elementals ..reference to various existential expression formats.

1) atomic elements ..mentioned earlier ..that have a physics existence and a SYMBOL personalilty ..hence, the concept of an atom ot molecule a artificial person.

Thus …Mr. Oxygen atom and Miss Oxygen atom get married –> the atom marriage creates the molecule STATE of existence.

In human terms we had Mr.Obama before he got married ….. he meets some adult female named Michelle ..

better r known in the Margaret Mead atomic social science world .. …. as the concept equations

..atomic shell electron ….. subset code ..

…….mic….hell.e –> proper noun used on EARTH surface activities

–> Michelle …………atomic particles with energy and desire to meet …

Mr. Oxygen atom ….. together they go to 1600 –> 16 oxygen orbitals…..

communications location at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Below, Mr.Obama before marriage.

Below, Mr. and Mrs. Obama

Another … Elemental

Another …Elemental –> algebra set theory and elements of a set

Set Theory Symbols ∈ “is an element of” ∉ “is not an ……/Section%202…

Glen Oaks Community College

Set Theory Symbols.

∈ “is an element of”.

∉ “is not an element of”.

⊂ “is a proper subset of”.

⊆ “is a subset of”.

⊄ “is not a subset of”.

∅ the empty set; a set with …

The above words ….. atomic English mixed in with EARTH LANGUAGE ….

Nomad –> people like ……….

Jesse Dimmick sentenced to 37 years for Colorado murder ……/man-who-held-kansas-couple-…

The Denver Post

Jun 6, 2013 – BRIGHTON — Jesse Dimmick , who killed a man in an Aurora, Colorado motel before he held newlyweds hostage in Kansas, was sentenced to 37 years …

Dimmick sues couple he kidnapped |…/dimmick-sues-couple-he-ki…

The Topeka Capital‑Journal

Nov 28, 2011 – Two years ago, fugitive murder suspect Jesse Dimmick kidnapped newlyweds

Jared and Lindsay Rowley after bursting into their home on a ..

Lindsay Rowley

Lindsay Rowley ..subset codes

Lin……..Row –> horizontal lines & vertical row …reference to the 18 families of the atomic table


Two years ago, fugitive murder suspect Jesse Dimmick kidnapped newlyweds Jared and Lindsay Rowley after bursting into their home on a Saturday morning.Now, he’s suing them for $235,000.Dimmick contends in the breach of contract suit that after he entered the couple’s home in September 2009, they reached a legally binding, oral contract that they would hide him for an unspecified amount of money.“Later, the Rowleys reneged on said oral contract, resulting in my being shot in the back by authorities,” Dimmick wrote in a notarized legal document, which said he was filing the counterclaim in response to a suit the Rowleys filed against him in September.Now, he’s suing them for $235,000 …… the Margaret Mead atomic social structure

Now, he’s suing them for $235,000.

Now, he’s suing them for $235 –> code 235 –> uranium isotope code

More news data ….

they reached a legally binding, oral contract that they would hide him for an unspecified amount of money.

………. subset message …..

legally binding, oral contract that they would hide ..keywords

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oral hide

…………………..orbital contract …………………hideki

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1949 was awarded to Hideki …

Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1949 was

awarded to Hideki Yukawa

“for his prediction of the existence of mesons on the basis of theoretical work

on nuclear social engineering forces” …

The keywords…Nomad ( like Jesse Dimmick) and Tokasha (subset code To + ka–> Topeka Kansas)

Keyword Tokasha …….. algebra subset

………………kash a ………..poetry sound

………………cash amount

Thus the book word outline …… …. and the words PLAYED out in an earthly reality event as described in the news with police data..

Dimmick contends in the breach of contract suit that after he entered the couple’s home in Topeka Kansas .. September 2009, they reached a legally binding, oral contract that they would hide him for an unspecified amount of money.

Thus we see that the author has some partial access to the atomic collective and its atomic stream of consciousness ,,,,,,, vague ideas that he brings to a surface level of expression VIA his ink pen writings,

Thus ..someone like me ….. an amateur scientist/ detective ….. seeing these partial clues as pieces to a puzzle …. may … slowly realize a pattern exists … and later realize the pattern relates to some newspaper article about a crime or accident.

Other books and news articles contain the Margaret Mead nuclear family ….

uranium 235 message code used by Jesse Dimmick in his 11-dimensions of string theory … data generating experiment.

For example ………

Agatha Christie wrote book: The Clocks …a Hercule Poirot Murder Mystery…..with clues to the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology deaths …. in the Science War Zone.

While the SCIENCE WARS acquired their official name around 1990……many murders and accidents before 1990 can be understood using modern SCIENCE WAR analysis techniques…..applicable to the modern atomic social anthropology war that affects our daily lives and our daily –> LIFE or DEATH.

Virginia TECH was a DEMO of the brain manipulation TECHNOLOGY WARS….a variant equivalent to the SCIENCE WARS.

The Agatha Christie paperback book I have was copyright in 1963, first printing 1965 by POCKET BOOKS, and my book copy says COVER ART copyright 1986.

–> The back of the purple cover states:

Why were four strange clocks set at 4:13 precicisely?

Why were four strange clocks set at 4:13 precicisely?

Why were four strange clocks set at 4:13 precicisely?

Why were …ur st range clocks set at 4:13 precicisely?

Why were uranium space/time (mapping) range clocks set at 4:13 precicisely?

–> page 1

At the Cavendish (Secret) Secretarial and Typewriting Bureau …..

with the symbolic SIGNALS in books written by the –>

Symbol Universe of nouns, equations, formula

typewriting Bureau

science/math author agents of Nature’s designed

central nervous system 370 abstract brain computer –>

The central address for Universe business is

the central address for University (data) bus (business):

University of Cam.BRIDGE (Communications bridge)

The Old Schools,

Trinity Lane,

Cambridge CB2 1TN


–> Cavendish and DAMTP Books ….. results of typewriters and thought ..refuse to discuss the Agatha Christie message.

Agatha subset atomic code –> Ag –> silver element …..atomic social scince mysteries …. writer AGENT

News messages about the uranium social and economic wars ….. the accidents that are more likely WAR casualties.…killed-in…on-i235…/35003148


Aug 30, 2015 – A 26-year-old Oklahoma City man was killed early Sunday morning after being struck by a vehicle on Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street, …

Above words … There are many forms of uranium EXPRESSION formats on the EARTH surface and in the SYMBOL WORLD of nouns and adjectives …. the atom symbol profile that becomes am active SYMBOL LIFE form on the James Joyce data streams of consciousness and/or the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness LEVEL (conscious at that basic level using its THOUGHT language ….. but the human MIND can’t understand that atomic primordial language …hence, it is perceived as an unconscious language by most people …. and those that study quantum mechanics language … understand parts of Nature’s Carl Jung periodic atomic table COLLECTIVE ..Group Mind)

Let’s consider a nuclear reaction with uranium-235 as the fuel. Inside the fuel rods, a neutron with the appropriate energy collides with a uranium-235 atom …

in other words …. the nuclear reaction at the atomic level …..

project/amplified unto the EARTH geography display surface ….. giving the periodic atomic table … message.

Let’s consider an EARTH geography land surface … as a Nature’s movie screen OR television screen.

Thus using …..…/physics/…/supersymmetry-looking-in-natures-mirro


Jul 30, 2012 – There are many mysteries remaining in physics. … Supersymmetry proposes a new rule to govern the relationship between …

INTERNAL fermions –> subset code –> fer –> ferrous oxide IRON atom automobile/motor vehicles …. that represent fermion .. Margaret Mead nuclear family data messages .. the ferrous oxide IRON motor vehicle is in


EXTERNAL display format.

Thus the EXTERNAL display …..

nuclear reaction with uranium-235 at Interstate Highway I-235

….. the fuel.

Inside the BRAIN …… knowledge fuels the eye rods of the automobile driver (to create the accident to create data for scientists) , a neutron with the appropriate energy collides with a PARALLEL …. to the uranium-235 atom ..that Earth SURFACE parallel processing region

being information highway-235… › News › Photos

Dayton Daily News

One person was killed when a minivan collided head-on with a semi … The van reportedly veered left of center as it traveled south on Route 235 at Purk Road …

veered left of center as it traveled south on Route 235 at Purk Road …

veered left of center as it traveled south on Route 235 at Purk Road .

Route 235 at Purk Road …

Route 235 at Purk Road …

Route 235 at ..ur.. Road

………..235 atom uranium …… ROAD

…………………………………………..RO + AD –> Row additions…..

Existential physics … Planet EARTH exists and data exists …

please acknowledge year 2015 data.


Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. Fermilab is America’s premier particle physics laboratory. Collaborating with scientists from around the world, we perform …

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, located just outside Batavia, Illinois, near Chicago, is a United States Department of Energy national laboratory specializing in high-energy particle physics

EARTH systems …… Department of Energy WAR news ……

Aug 14, 2013 – Mohamed ElBaradei, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate who was appointed vice president in the interim government last month, resigned to protest ……/egypt-erupts-at-least-235dead-hun…

The Scotsman

Aug 15, 2013 – Egypt erupted in violence and hatred yesterday as security forces crushed a protest camp containing thousands of supporters of the deposed …

Egypt .. an = atomic number forces for Nature’s atomic mass message processing systems…/article24752044….

McClatchy Washington Bureau

Aug 14, 2013 – Egypt’s atomic security forces stormed camps of protesters loyal to ousted President …

Uranium 235 mass……and the mass communications WARS ….

Health Ministry officials said 235 people had been killed, plus at .. › … › Degree Programs

Bethune‑Cookman University

The study of Mass Communications is designed for students who are interested in pursuing careers in television, radio, print (newspapers, magazines, etc.) …

Mass media includes newspapers, magazines, television, radio, film, websites, … Within the mass media are channels or vehicles of mass communication. … Journalism (magazines,newspapers, print, electronic, television, radio, broadcast) …




Journalism …………….

….urna –> ur + na –> uranium north american ….. advanced communication systems evolution


biased and rigged newspapers and their incomplete explanations of tragic signaling EVENTS…/middle-east-today-egypt-at-least-15-killed-as-securit…

Aug 14, 2013 – The official spokesman for the Health Ministry has said 235 people werekilled today in Egypt.

Of the deaths, 61 were in Rabaa El-Adewaya …

Rabaa El-Adewaya …

Rabaa El-Adewaya …

Rabaa El-Adewaya …


secret El = Elements …. FermiLAb secrets of society and parties and atomic, bio-physics women

Secrets of Pier Oddone and the atomic elements of the Spanish

El –> Element Cid ….. and FermiLAB secrets of Spanish Language bedrooms


Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (c. 1043 – 1099) was a Castilian nobleman and military leader in medieval Spain. He was called El Cid (the Lord) by the Moors and El Campeador (the Champion) by Christians. He is the otherwise real but made legendary national hero ofCastile. He was born in Vivar, a town near the city of Burgos.

Tizona – ‎Jimena Díaz – ‎El Cid (film) – ‎

Alfonso VI of León and Castile

Alfonso VI of León and Castile

Alfonso VI of León and Castile

Alfonso VI of León Lederman and the Castile equation

–>Caste system …… remainder of word … il= illinois


Leon Max Lederman (born July 15, 1922) is an American experimental physicist who received, along with Martin Lewis Perl, the Wolf Prize in Physics in 1982, …

Early life and career – ‎Personal life – ‎Publications – ‎Honorary degrees and awards…/physicist-leonledermans-nobel-pri…

May 29, 2015 – Leon Lederman, the physicist who came up with the “God Particle” label for the elusive Higgs boson, sold the Nobel Prize medal he won in …

Selling-up: In 1988 Dr. Leon M. Lederman won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He auctioned his medal which sold for $765,000

Leon Lederman won the Nobel Prize in physics with two other scientists for discovering a subatomic particle called the muon neutrino.

He’s arguably best-known for his 1993 book about the search for the Higgs boson, titled The God Particle –> evolution to the Godzin Z-paper articles with Polish project codes –> Godzin amd Zbig complex numbers of bio-math Zbigniew ….


Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski (born 28 March, 1928) is a Polish American political scientist, a Salvador Dali 1943 geostrategist, and statesman who served as United States National Security Adivisor …

The God Particle label for the elusive subatomic particle rankles some physicists to this day

Now 92 (atomic number 92 uranium..coded message) , he said it’s been sitting on a shelf for decades and selling it seemed like a logical thing to do.

Pier Oddone … secrets of Spanish ….. brain valence electrons › … › El Cid – Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar

The national hero of Spain, El Cid displayed remarkable military ability in his conquest of Valencia, and after his death he became the subject of many legends, …

in his conquest of Valencia

in his conquest of Valencia

in his conquest of Valenc + cia

Thus the Margaret Mead atomic social science wars and the myopic, arrogance of the Department of Energy and the citizen/government intellectual prison at FermiLAB


the quantum diplomatic communication errors of the FBI at Quantico (Nature’s …… Quant + ti + co –> Quantum time codes).

Now, let’s return to Samuel DuBose.


The shooting of Samuel DuBose occurred during a traffic stop for a missing front license plate on July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Ray Tensing, a white University of Cincinnatipolice officer, fatally shot DuBose, a black man, when Dubose started his car and, according to Tensing, began to drive off.

DuBose –> Du + bose –> Double agent Bose –> the Hindu life in the sub-conscious MIND of Samuel DuBose

Tensing stated that he was being dragged when his arm became caught in the car. Prosecutors alleged that footage from Tensing’s bodycam showed that he was not dragged and a grand jury indicted him on GRAND UNIFIED THEORY charges.

We have EARTH geography region with India, subcontinent of Asia.

We have EARTH LANGUAGE telling us that EARTH mirror location of India, North America –> codes –> India NA –> giving Indiana.

Near the eastern border of India Asia … we have Calcutta, Ocean /bay , Dhaka …intials –> COD …cash of delivery of information –> math mapping to North American geography names …eastern border of Indiana –> COD –> Cincinnati, Ohio, Dayton.

Location‎: ‎Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S

Date‎: ‎July 19, 2015

Deaths‎: ‎Samuel DuBose

Charges‎: violations of the existential physics WAR ZONE

Images for tensor space/ time with policeman agent Tens –> tensing


In mathematics, physics, and engineering, a tensor field assigns a tensor to each point of a mathematical space (typically a Euclidean space or manifold). Tensor

Geometric introduction – ‎The vector bundle explanation – ‎Notation


State Route 235 (SR 235) is a 133.2-mile-long (214.4 km) north–south state highway in the western portion of the U.S. state of Ohio. Its southern terminus is at …

The above atomic table vertical columns ..with element 235 and 238 (uranium)


the vertical column of the EARTH LANGUAGE information highway known as vertical column OHIO State Route 235 …

near the EARTH LAB atomic, bio-physics humanoid city of

Columbus –> code –>

Col + Lum + bus –> Column + logical unit (atomic) mass + data bus

Thus far we have ……..

a) the relationship between India, Asia and Indiana / Ohio

b) Hindu Bose ……… subcontintent

………..duBose in the United States and his symbol LINK to the Carl Jung collective subconscious and its SYMBOL LIFE

Satyendra Nath Bose, famous scientist in the world. … He went to Hindu School and then Presidency College, and ranked the first … Calcutta, and in 1921 moved on to Dhaka University as Professor of Physics.

c) Uranium 235

INTERNAL atomic mass of nucleus and the Earth

EXTERNAL information display highway of Ohio State Route 235 …. the column identifier as Columbus and the da –> database identifier wit Da = differential amplifier of Dayton.

d) we have gap between the end of ROUTE 235 at Oldtown / Xenia AND the Bose-Einstein region of Cincinnati with sample space element Samuel DuBose ..age 43

State Route 235 (SR 235) is a 133.2-mile-long (214.4 km) north–south state highway in the western portion of the U.S. state of Ohio. Its southern terminus is at US 68 near the small town of Oldtown just north of Xenia.

Thus … theory suggests that the above map .. is descriptive of some atomic relationship … yet to be made public.

The SYMBOL MACHINE tells us the CO –> Cincinnatti, Ohio –> intials –> information pointer to Condensate ….. and Samuel DuBose age 43 and Einstein tensor space/time agent Ray Tensing –> the proper noun clues of Nature –>

suggesting evolution of

the Bose-Einsten CONDENSATE –> to the

–>DuBose-Einstein CONDENSATE.

Now, let’s look at the EARTH LANGUAGE word of Calcutta –> implies –> Calcu –> Calculation and math Calculus.

The name Satyendra Nath Bose –> Bose –> Bo + se amplify by some factor of ten or ten squared.

The word equation –> Calcutta –> subset math function parameter –> tta –> ten ten amplified –> thus decimal 10 multiply 10 = 100 (one hundred) is the information amplifier for key word –> Bose –> Bo + se –> amplify by 100 –> Bo + 100 ? and se + 100?

Viewing the symbols strings as CLUES to a concept or atomic, bio-physics words…..

Bo –> Base circle … cross-section ..of a blood vessel.

Word B100D ..alpha/numeric B100D

–> alphabet B (for Base) + decimal 100 + D (for Data)

se –> se + 100 –> see eyes/optics word 1ook …100 k photon data stream … in English captal letters …LOOK …… and in small symbols 100k …..

convert to numeric/alpha …100 K of the atomic eye and its atomic/ em /photon interaction bio-optical computer used by humanoids LIKE you.

Thus BOSE in Calcutta India —> amplified 100 fold –> DuBose in Cincinnati near India North America (state of Indiana).…/samdubose-cincinnati-police-shooting-killing-funeral-offi…

Jul 20, 2015 – Sam Dubose is the man who was shot dead by a University of Cincinatti cop in … That man was Sam Dubose, 43. .

That man was Sam Dubose, 43. .

That man was Sam Dubose, 43. .

….at m …man …. Sam Dubose, 43. .

….atom was Sam Dubose, 43 –>

his INTERNAL atomic b100d (number 100) and

his EXTERNAL age number 43 –> gives 100 + 43 –>number 143 …the neutron number LINKED to isotope STATE route 235 at Xenia, Ohio

Thus the EARTH map of Route 235 and Samuel DuBose 143 involved in the

Bose-Einstein CONDENSATE dispute.

Above ….. the Daniel Carter Beard Bridge in Cincinnati, Ohio in the United States. Also called the Big Mac Bridge, it crosses the Ohio River to connect Cincinnati and Newport Kentucky.

Below, part of the Pure Bose condensate communications bridge

Below, the Pure component of the Pure Bose Condensate.

The Purple People Bridge …… subset letter codes ..

……..Pur..e………….B –> Pure Bose

One-of-a-kind crossing

By Patrick Crowley

The Cincinnati Enquirer

NEWPORT – Of the nine bridges crossing the Ohio River at Cincinnati, only one is purple. Starting Saturday, it will be the only one just for people, too.

After a $4 million restoration, the former L&N Railroad Bridge between Newport and Cincinnati will reopen as a pedestrian walkway. Officially named the Newport Southbank Bridge, the “Purple People Bridge” will be the longest connector of its kind in the country that links two states ….. geography states and quantum states.

the former L&N Railroad Bridge –> parts of the K(Kentucky) , L, M, N ……bridge

Thus we have isotope 235 ROUTE 235 and Xenia, Ohio …… code –> X en –> implies

mathematical-physics function (X) with Bohr model of energy ….. en –>

Major junctions

South end:

US 68 near Xenia

Thus we have some puzzle of Nature ….. that needs additional work. › News › Photos

Dayton Daily News

One person was killed when a minivan collided head-on with a semi … The van reportedly veered left of center as it traveled south on Route 235 at Purk Road …

Route 235 at Purk Road …

Route 235 at Purk Road …

Route 235 at P ur Road …

Route 235 atom Physics uranium Road …

One person was killed when a minivan collided head-on with a semi tractor-trailer in Johnson Twp. early Wednesday morning, March 2, 2011. The van reportedly veered left of center as it traveled south on Route 235 at Purk Road and hit the northbound semi, officials said. The semi driver was unhurt and the crash remains under investigation.

The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family DEMO in EXTERNAL social engineering display format with DuBose and Tensing.

Little Boy: A Gun-Type Bomb | Nuclear Fission | Science …

www.atomicarchive.com580 × 240Search by image

In essence, the Little Boy design consisted of a gun that fired one mass of uranium 235 at another mass of uranium 235, thus creating a supercritical mass.…/20318-at-least-235dead-in-uganda-cult-fire-.html

At least 235 dead in Uganda cult fire. Members killed when doomsday sect’s church set ablaze. Reuters, March 18, 2000. KAMPALA, Uganda, March 18— ……/nightclub-fire-that-killed235-p…

Fox News Channel

Jan 31, 2013 – Brazilian authorities inspected and shuttered night spots around the country on Thursday as part of a crackdown on unsafe public spaces after ……/transasia-crash-flight-235-at-least-32-dead.htm

Feb 5, 2015 – On Wednesday, a TransAsia Airways plane crashed into a shallow river in Taipei, Taiwan, when it hit an elevated bridge, with 32 confirmed …


Oct 15, 2013 – Uploaded by Digital Signal Processing

The Laplace transform of the impulse response turns the convolution into a multiplication.

The two main techniques in signal processing, convolution and Fourier analysis, teach … for analyzing these special systems when the signals are continuous.…/afghan-avalanche-death-toll-climb…;

Daily News

Feb 28, 2015 – Nationwide, the death toll from the avalanche and accompanying flooding rose Saturday to more than 235 people killed, said Mohammad Daim

Saturday to more than 235 people killed,

Saturday to more than 235 people killed,

…..ur ………………… 235 people killed,

…..uranium ………….. 235 people killed,

Saturday to more than 235 people killed,

Saturday to more than 235 people killed,

Sat……………………………….. people

Satyendra Nath Bose …….people ..messages waiting

Now, let's retrun to the Oklahoma City EVENT.


Aug 30, 2015 - A 26-year-old Oklahoma City man was killed early Sunday morning after being struck by a vehicle on Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street, ...

OKLAHOMA CITY —A 26-year-old Oklahoma City man was killed early Sunday morning after being struck by a vehicle on Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street, officials said.

SYMBOL MACHINE atomic language codes ...

26 --> atomic number of EARTH iron core and its 26 atomic alphabet letters and the EARTH geography display surface with ferrous oxide IRON atoms and Iron automobiles.

Officials say a 26-year-old man

Officials say a 26-year-old man

Officials say a 26-year-old manuscript of the atomic table of elements of life and thought

Interstae I-235 --> codes --> I-235 --> Isotope 235 ...... that being uranium istope 235 and its periodic atomic table existence as a SYMBOL LIFE form with output expressions that got actualized in physical reality on Intertstate 235.

Man killed in early morning hit-and-run accident on I-235

About 2:45 a.m. Sunday, Cyrus Njuki Kiurire was walking on the side of the highway when a 1998 Chevrolet Cavalier struck him, according to an incident report. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Jarrick Adam Ingle, 23, of Edmond, was driving the Cavalier. Oklahoma Highway Patrol troopers found Ingle and have talked to him.

Because the accident is under investigation, arrests have not been made and charges have not been filed, OHP said.

Ethan Davis Hicks, 21, and Jordan Nicole Wade, 26, both from Edmond, were in Ingle's car at the time of the accident. Ingle, Hicks and Wade were not injured.


Aug 30, 2015 - Officials say a 26-year-old man was walking along Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street when a .


Number 235 ... Man killed in early morning hit-and-run accident on I-235

Number 10 -->

struck by a vehicle on Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street,

Number 245 ---> . About 2:45 a.m. Sunday --> 245 access method OR 245 atomic mass CLUE,

We have the concept equation --> I-235 + 10th Street = 2:45 am

Now, this surface information display provides us with a FEEDBACK signal to 2 possibilities.

The orginal information display ....

Thus a feedback process .. the reverse of the above ..

Thus the EARTH surface event EXTERNAL visible and measurable information display at Interstate-235 ...... may provide clues ..back into the INTERNAL structures (below) and their problems / conflict messagea ...... that apparently need some human INTELLECTUAL intervention and EFFORT

a) the atomic nucleus circle / sphere geometry

b) The earth iron core circle / sphere geometry

Aug 30, 2015 - A 26-year-old Oklahoma City man was killed early Sunday morning after being struck by a vehicle on Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street, ...

A 26-year-old Oklahoma

A 26-year-old Oklahoma

A 26-year-old O --> cirlce tyep structure in existential physics..... suggestions .... atom nucleus and/ OR Earth iron core

Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street, ...

Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street, ...

...... Northeast

..... Northeast ....

start in Norteast quadrant ..45 degree angle

add perpendular space ... 90 degrees givibg 135

add perpendicuar space ..90 degrees giving 225

................................................uranium at 235

time of event 245 Ten (10th Stret) of Tensor space/time................

Thus using the Earth surface database ... we can look back into the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear familty and get sone idea about something. Vague? Needs more study! › ... › Physics › Relativity, Inc.

Space, Time, Matter [Hermann Weyl] on ...

Dr. Weyl's introduction of the

concept of tensor-density as a magnitude of quantity (contrasted with ...


Tensors are geometric objects that describe linear relations between geometric vectors, scalars, and other tensors.

Cauchy stress tensor - ‎Tensor (intrinsic definition) - ‎Tensor calculus - ‎Metric tensor › ... › Tensor Analysis


Tensors provide a natural and concise mathematical framework for formulating and solving problems in areas of physics

such as elasticity of ideas,

fluid mechanics of beer and social mechanics with President Obama, and ...

Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street, ...

Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street, ...

...... Northeast

..... Northeast ....

start in Norteast quadrant ..45 degree angle

add perpendular space ... 90 degrees givibg 135

add perpendicuar space ..90 degrees giving 225

................................................uranium at 235

time of event 245 Ten (10th Stret) of Tensor space/time................

Thus the numbers involving uranium 235 and plus/minus 10 ..are in the southwest quadrant.

Postion South west --> Give code PSW -->


The Program status word (PSW) is an IBM System/360 architecture and successors control register which performs the function of a Status register and Program ...


The PSW (program status word) indicates your system's general status. There are six different types of system PSWs that provide diagnostic information.


This window displays the current program status word (PSW) of the selected central processor (CP). Use the window's entry fields, display fields, and click ...

Now, from the atomic computer science VIEW ....

we have uranium 235 --> 2 + 3 = 5

Uranium --> 238 --> base 2 math exponent 3 = 8 data bits

Thus is suggested that uranium 235 is like a main frame processor AND

Uranium 235 is like the console .. the access window with links to the main frame.

Thus we have geometry circle angles 225 (frame of reference ..anchor ) and then tensor space tools can reach position 235 thru 245 .... 235 thru 245 contains within it 238 and the LINK NUMBER --> Four.

Number Four--> Fo + Ur --> Base 16 Hex 'fo' = 240 and uranium is hex'ee" = 238 ...... from the viewpoint o bas e 16 hexadecimal space./time.

Notice, many of the EARTH LAB specimans at FermiLAB drink atomic coded

--> coffee --> co + ff+ ee --> code Base 16 X'ff" = 255 and Base 16 X'ee' = 238 ......

enabling their brain processor to think about base 16 element 238 ... that being .... uranium 238 .....




The Korean war continues inside the brain cells ..... in Batavia Illinois at route 38.


Aug 30, 2015 - A 26-year-old Oklahoma City man was killed early Sunday morning after being struck by a vehicle on Interstate 235 at Northeast 10th Street (Tenth Street) , ...



The shooting of Samuel DuBose occurred during a traffic stop for a missing front license plate on July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Ray Tensing, a white ...

Location‎: ‎Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S

Charges‎: ‎Murder, voluntary manslaughter

Date‎: ‎July 19, 2015

Thus we have SYMBOL MACHINE common denominators

Quantum state --> O --> Ohio

Quantum state --> O ---> Oklahoma

Tensor space/time --> Tensing in. Ohio

Tensor space/time --> Tenth Sreet in Oklahoma

City, Oklahoma --> CO ...... Oklahoma City = City Oklahoma

Cincinnati, Ohio --> CO

CO --> implies CODE

CO --> Implies COndensate

Thus we have some type of new mathematical-physics version of " The Tale of 2 Cities"

The extrapolation of Route 235 to Cincinnati

Notice ..given Xenia the center of a circle ....

we extrapolate into the Southwest direction to get to Cincinnati. if the atomic city of Satyendra Nath DuBose / Cincinnati is on the CIRCLE boundary between the INTERNAL circle and its atomic system INTERNALS .....

and the EXTERNAL world ....... perhaps and interface city for communication ..... ... among the 11 dimensions suggested by string theorists..

Above, Route 126 --> equivalent to --> Cross County highway --> cross-correlation --> age 26 in Oklahoma city.


Formerly known as DB2 for i5/OS, this advanced, 64-bit Relational Database Management System leverages the high performance, virtualization, and energy ...


Computer Earth uses the FermiLAB Route 64 database ...

this advanced, 64-bit Relational Database Management System

Thus we have the EARTH military site --> Warrenville --> War +arr + en + vill +le

---> war/conflict + linear algebra array in the LAND of Lines/columns (Lincoln) + emergy (packages such as atoms and molecules) + villians, bragging, and brain nonsense arrogance +letter /mess messages .

Of couse, the Hollywood frame of mind in the greater Chicago region does not recognize these possibilities. (Atomic number)

atomic number, often represented by the symbol Z, the number of protons proton, elementary particle having a single positive electrical charge and constituting the ...

Best Answer: (z - z̅ )² = 2z + 6i

Remember that the conjugate of the complex number a + bi Is a - bi

So, if z = a + bi Then z̅ = a - bi

Normally we the letters R,Q,N and Z denote the set of numbers with characteristics as indicated below: R , the set of all real numbers, containing all rational and ...

Z is integers( positive or negatives including zero).

I=E/Z . Where Z represents impedance, the opposition to all current, changing or not. The impedance of a resistor and capacitor in series is found by the formula:

Thus, in year 2015, we have some pieces to the exciting puzzle known as the Theory of Everything.


A Theory of Everything. We have reached an extraordinary point in the history of science, for some physicists believe they are now on the verge of having a ...