Type 3 Volunteer Application

Volunteers mentoring and in leadership roles with youth.

To apply for this type of volunteer please complete the following. You will be asked to use a digital signature and verify through your email account. (It is necessary to login to your email account during this process as a means to legally verify your identity.)

All volunteers with Greater Vancouver Youth Unlimited must complete a criminal record check. This must be done as part of the application and then once every 2 years while an active volunteer.

To complete, simply go to your local RCMP or Police Station and request a criminal record check form. Fill out the form and have it returned to:

Dean Klassen

Greater Vancouver Youth Unlimited

#115 - 12975 84th Avenue

Surrey BC, V3W 1B3

You may be asked to present a "Request Form" to authorize GVYU to receive the request information. Please print, fill out and present this form.