Library Procedures


Most often, a "lost book" surfaces, after a bit of time. We ask that you agree, in principal, to reimburse the library for the cost of the book, while you are continuing to look for the errant book! (In the past, lost books have surfaced in a relative's house, the car, under the couch - be creative!) If you feel it is truly lost, contact us (243-8138 or e-mail and we will send you an invoice for the purchase price of the item. Our main concern is that your child continue to come to the library, during this process. Communication between home and library will ensure there is no interruption in your child checking out from the library.


Kindergartners learn about "babying" their library books. This includes keeping their books safe from younger siblings, pets, food and drinks, and the great outdoors! They learn how to turn the pages (from the corner!), and to use bookmarks to mark their place. BUT, we know that accidents happen.

If an accident should happen, don't repair it yourself. Have your child return the book to the library, and let us know what occurred. We will repair the book, if possible. If the book is unable to be repaired, we will send you an invoice for the cost of the book and I will order it through my regular channels.


Kindergarten: Kindergartners come to the library weekly, with their class. Each class, therefore, has a "library day", when their book/s will be due back. In September, Kindergartners select one book, and return it the next week. Starting in January, they are introduced to the nonfiction section of the library and are then able to take 2 books home each week. If they bring one book back on their library day, they may take one out. If they return both, they may take two books out.

NOTE: If a child forgets his/her book or books, I tell them to select new books, and I save them until the following day. The idea is to demonstrate, by our library routines, the concept of borrowing.

First, Second and Third Graders: Starting in first grade, children come to the library at different times, for many different reasons. They no longer come, only once a week, as a class, to do book selection. Children in first and second grade learn that when they have finished a library book (or library books) they are to let their teacher know they need to go to the library. Each classroom teacher incorporates a time into their day for their students to go to the library for check out purposes. This works very well, since children in a certain class are not all going to be ready to select new books at the same time. SO - if your first, second or third grader tells you they don't have a "library day", when their books are due, they are right! The due date is stamped on the blue card in the back of the book. Children don't need to wait until that date - they come when they are done with the book! Some children come 3 or 4 times a week!