Summer Reading 2022

Summer Reading Journal

We want to encourage our students to continue to read over the summer to keep their brains active. We hope this Summer Reading Challenge will encourage them to read and knowing they will get a prize if they do will be the trick to keep them reading. If you have any questions about the summer reading program, please email or call the school.

Link to Summer Reading Challenge from Everyday Reading and Camp Castle.

Link to Summer Reading Challenge School Letter in English and Spanish.

Below you will find some resources for your child when it comes to find reading materials for the summer.

Print Materials

The public library is open and will welcome you in to select books for your child.

You can find good books at Goodwill and the one in Elkin has a wonderful selection of books.

Book Stores: Edward McKay, Barnes and Noble, Bookmarks - all in Winston Salem

There are also several online resources that students can use to find reading materials.

YouTube Channels for the younger kids can be beneficial as they hear books read to them and then you can ask them questions about the books. Here are a few YouTube Channels that we recommend: Barnes and Noble StoryTime, Storyline Online, and KidLit TV.

NC Cardinal has thousands of resources for all ages from kindergarteners to adults. It is provided through the public library. Go to to get started. NC Kids Digital has loads of ebooks for the children to read independently, read along with, or listen to as audiobooks. Their log is their PowerSchool/Lunch Number as the library card and their PIN is the last 4 digits of that same number. If it asks for a library, select Northwestern Region Library. There is also a Libby App for phones and tablets.

NCWISE Owl is a free resource provided by the state of North Carolina. It has lots of resources including ebooks that students can access from home. If you need the password for NCWISE Owl, please email

Epic Books - You can set up a family account or if your child's teacher had an account this school year, you should be able to access books through that account. You would just need to get the classroom code from the teacher.