Conferència 1: Àlex Bach

La producció de llet: De la cèl·lula al got, passant per la vaca

Biologia / Ciències de la salut / Alimentació

S’explicarà quin es cicle biològic de la producció de llet i com l’alimentació de la vaca té repercussions sobre la fisiologia de la pròpia vaca però també sobre la fisiologia de la seves futures filles. Es tocaran temes de salut, de genètica, y d’epigenètica

Àlex Bach: is an ICREA Research Professor at the Department of Ruminant Production of IRTA. His research focuses on optimizing the growth curve of dairy replacement heifers, as well as their management and housing systems. Àlex conducts basic research to understand the physiology and metabolism of ruminants with especial emphasis on the impact of nutrition and management during early development on future metabolic function. He has received several awards in recognition to his research activities, has spoken at more than 100 international congresses, is author or co-author of more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, more than 90 extension articles, and more than 12 books (or book chapters). He has served as a scientific expert in several committees of the European Food Safety Authority. He is section editor and sits in the editorial boards of several scientific journals, and is member of various scientific committees.