The Challenge

New fossils that could belong to Caminalcules Phylum have been found.

Your goal is to discover everything you can from the data given. Open only one of the Challenges (select it from the Challenges folder in Documents section), and try to answer the following questions:

  • Determine its age.
  • Propose its evolutionary relationships.
  • Describe its physiology: was it aquatic? was it fixed to the soil? was it a predator? ...
  • Describe the probable ecological situation at this time: high/low ecological pressure, competition with other species,....
  • Which is its taxonomic group? And its phylogenetic group? Which name would you propose for this species?
  • In the data given, something not directly related to your fossil doesn't fit with some previous data. Be attentive, you never know when an unexpected discovering is waiting for you.

Make a document with your answers, you will need it for the final step, the poster session.

There is an alternative design of this Step that includes also Analysis of DNA Data Analysis.