7.2 - State Parent Locator Service

Federal Authority:

Social Security Act

§453  - Federal parent locator service

§456 - Support obligations

§463 - Use of Federal Parent Locator Service in connection with the enforcement or determination of child custody and in cases of parental kidnapping of a child

§466(a)(12) - Requirements of statutorily prescribed procedures to improve the effectiveness of child support enforcement

Code of Federal Regulations

45 CFR 302.5 - State parent locator service

45 CFR 303.7 - Provision of services in intergovernmental IV-D cases

45 CFR 303.15 - Agreements to use the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) in parental kidnapping and child custody or visitation cases.

45 CFR 303.69 - Requests by agents or attorneys of the United States for information from the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS)

State Authority:

Wyo. Stat. § 20-6-108 - State parent locator service

Wyoming Child Support Enforcement Rules

Chapter 4 - General Services

Policy Number:  7.2

Effective Date:  October 1, 2010


The State Parent Locator Service (SPLS) is a federally mandated service within the Wyoming Child Support Program (CSP) that processes requests from other IV-D agencies to locate parties involved in the IV-D program; others authorized to establish and enforce child support, custody, and visitation orders; parental kidnapping cases; and Department of Family Services (DFS) diligent searches.

In order to locate a party, the SPLS is authorized to access state and federal sources of information and records relevant to the location effort.  For information regarding who locate information can be shared with, see the Safeguarding Child Support Information Guidelines which can be found in Appendix 7A of this policy manual.  


The Wyoming CSP Program established a SPLS in the State CSP Office. Please see Who's Who in the State Child Support Office for the name of the CSP Office staff member responsible for the SPLS.  

The Wyoming SPLS will handle all locate-only requests from: 

Other Intergovernmental Agencies

Upon receipt of a locate request from another intergovernmental agency, the Wyoming SPLS will review all appropriate Wyoming locate sources including IV-A, Department of Motor Vehicles, and State Workforce files.  The Wyoming SPLS will provide the other agency a written or electronic response including all mailing and residential addresses along with any possible employers.

Child Support, Custody and Visitation

In order for the Wyoming SPLS to proceed with a locate-only request in a child support, custody or visitation situation, the applicant shall be an authorized person as defined in 45 C.F.R. 302.35(c)(3) and shall not be receiving IV-A assistance.

Once received, the Wyoming SPLS will create a POSSE case, review all appropriate Wyoming locate sources along with the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) and provide a written response including any information to the applicant within 30 working days.

Parental Kidnapping

In the case of parental kidnapping, the “locate-only” application will be completed as outlined in 6.2 Intake - Application.  Upon receipt of the completed application and affidavit, the Wyoming SPLS will review all appropriate Wyoming locate sources along with the FPLS and provide a written response including any information to the applicant within 30 working days.

DFS Diligent Searches

In order to reduce the time it takes to locate missing parents for purposes of family reunification or termination of parental rights, the DFS Child Protective Services (CPS) may request locate services from the Wyoming  SPLS.  

Upon receipt of a standardized diligent search request form from CPS with at least a name and date of birth (DOB), the Wyoming SPLS will review all appropriate Wyoming locate sources along with the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) and provide a written response including any information to CPS within 30 working days.

The information that may be disclosed with respect to a child or relative of a child involved in a IV-B or IV-E case is limited to the following:

Cross Reference

Appendix 7.A - Safeguarding Child Support Information Guidelines

Forms and POSSE Document - DFS Form 543.

Version Number:  3

Last Revised Date:  April 29, 2020

Date Last Reviewed:  February 13, 2024