
Room 27 welcomes you!

Here are a few important things to remember as we begin the school year.

1. Please make sure that you have created an account on Power School and updated your child's emergency information. If you need assistance please reach out to me or contact the Central Office.

2. Grade 2 students are required to do homework every night, Monday thru Thursday. Homework assignments are recorded in the agenda by the student every morning. Please help your child to establish good work habits and develop responsibility for their learning.

3. Bus Number/Transportation: Please be sure your child knows their bus number. Any change in dismissal requires a note. Without written permission, your child will be dismissed in the regular manner.

4. According to district policy, children may bring in a healthy snack - fruit, cheese and crackers, for example. We are a NUT FREE classroom, so please make sure not to pack a snack that includes any type of nut product. I do recommend students bring water bottles to sip throughout the day. In order to limit spillage, please make sure that the water bottle has a straw top. Please no glass containers.

5. Birthday Celebrations: We love to acknowledge milestones of our children. Birthdays are important to us. Unfortunately, with so many food allergies, we no longer can accept baked treats to celebrate. If you wish to send in a treat for you child's special day, please consider pencils, book donation, class game to share at indoor recess . Thank you for your understanding.

I realize this is a lot of information at one time. If you have any questions, concerns, PLEASE, feel free to contact me at dobrien@wsps.org . If for some reason you do not receive an email response, please jot me a note. I try to answer emails the day I receive them.

I am very excited for this school year. New Room! New Friends! We are going to have a great year!

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