Grade 4

Welcome to Grade 4

We encourage OPEN lines of communication to make this a successful year academically, socially, and emotionally for your child.

In English Language Arts, your child will participate in a Reader's and Writer's Workshop model. In Math, your child will be primarily using the EnVision Math series based on a 90 minute Mathematics Instructional Block. Additionally, your child will engage in Science and Social Studies lessons throughout the year. Finally, every fourth grader will receive Physical Education twice a week (45 minutes/class), Music once a week (40 minutes/class) for one half of the year and then Art once a week (40 minutes/class) for the other half of the year, and Technology once a week (60 minutes/class).

Fourth graders also have the option to participate in BAND. Band meets once a week before school and once a week during school. Fourth graders also have the option to participate in CHORUS. Chorus meets once a week before school. Both BAND and CHORUS perform for the school twice a year.

Please contact your child's classroom teacher at any time with questions and/or concerns.


Principal: Mrs. Skolnick

Vice Principal: Mr. Thoma

Additional School Support Staff:

School Adjustment Councilor: Ms. Hernandez

School Nurse: Mrs. Beaudette and Mrs. Martinson

Reading Specialist: Mrs. DeMagistris

Math Specialists: Mrs. DeMagistris and Mrs. Altman

School Custodian: Mr. Navone

Grade 4 Teachers:

Mrs. Gibney

Ms. Hanley

Ms. Ventrice

Mrs. Sousa

Ms. Brunelle (Special Education Teacher)

Mrs. Chalero (Special Education Teacher)

Miss Feeley (Special Education Teacher)


Physical Education: Ms. O'Shaughnessy and

Mrs. Hockenberry

Music & Chorus: Mrs. Sapowsky

Art: Mrs. Carter

Technology: Mrs. Florek

Band: Mr. Rovero