Contact Info.

Mrs. Amanda Flottmeier


Phone: (608) 786-1662 Ext. 3246

Hours: 7:30am - 8:00am & 3:15pm - 3:30pm 

Call or email me with ANY questions or concerns. I will try to answer emails and return phone calls within 24 hours. I will check my email every day before school starts at 8:00am.  However, I may not get to it again until the end of the school day or later that evening.

If you have an URGENT message for myself or your child, especially regarding changes in transortation, please do not email, but rather call the school office. The secretaries will make sure I get these important messages before the end of the school day. 


You should expect weekly communication from me via the Peek at the Week. I will also send out a monthly newsletter about what we are working on in class. I try not to send too many emails unless I think of something last minute or need to send a quick reminder. 

*Seesaw- I do use this as a tool to supplement our classroom curriculum and materials. I love that you can see what we are working on when they submit work. However, I do not use it as my main form of communication to you or from you. I prefer email rather than Seesaw messages for communication. If you child wants to share a picture or video for their leader day, Seesaw is a great option for sending me things like that.