Parent Responsibilities

1. Parents/Guardians are advised to discuss with their student the Student Responsibilities document provided in this program and all other district technology policies (e.g. Responsible Use Policy) in order to help their student be successful.

2. Parents/Guardians are required to sign the Student/Parent/Guardian Mobile Device Agreement when devices are issued.

3. It is important that parents/guardians monitor student mobile device use at home and away from school and are encouraged to use any of the resources provided below.

Suggestions for Monitoring Student Use Include:

Investigating and applying parental controls available through home internet service providers, wireless router settings, and online filtering services (free online examples: OpenDNS Parental Controls,

Norton ConnectSafe for Home,

Developing a set of rules/expectations for student mobile device use

Allowing use only in common areas, such as the living room and kitchen

Demonstrating interest in, and monitoring of, what the student is doing on the student mobile device

Advice videos regarding cybersafety, cybersecurity, ethical use, and cyberbullying are available free at Common Sense Media,

Parent Responsibilities and Guide

Additional information that would be helpful to parents:

WRHS Chromebooks - Parent... and Best Practices Guide