
We would like to say hello and welcome you to the Blue Room. The Blue Room has three main staff members. The staff members are as follows: AM- Robin- Classroom Teacher; Brenda- Classroom Assistant; and Sheila-Classroom Assistant; PM- Robin- Classroom Teacher; Brenda- Classroom Assistant; Robin- Classroom Assistant. We may also have other staff members in the classroom depending on the needs of the children.

We are looking forward to an exciting year with your child. We expect to have lots of fun this year while helping your child to learn new skills. Throughout the year, your child will participate in a variety of activities to help develop skills in all areas of development. Your child will have the opportunity to work independently and within small and large groups. Activities will revolve around thematic units and interest areas of the children. Activities will encourage exploration, cooperative learning, socialization, and independence. Your child will participate in activities that will increase development in areas such as language, math, science, and fine/gross motor. Concepts will be taught through hands-on activities that will be provided throughout the day. A mixture of open ended and teacher directed activities will be provided.

In the first few weeks of school the children will be getting to know the classroom, each other, and the rules. They will be spending a lot of time exploring the classroom and the materials. We will begin our first study ‘All About Me’  within the first few weeks which will allow staff to get to know your child and allow the children to get to know each other. If you could please return the information referred to in the link called “what to return” we’d appreciate it .  This information will help when we begin this study the following week . If you do not have access to a printer and need a hard copy, please let us know. We can make a copy and send any needed forms in your child’s backpack.

At least once a month you will receive a newsletter online letting you know what the children will be learning about. It will also highlight other important events that may be occurring such as days off, special events, etc.  You may want to periodically check our website to be sure you are up to date on current events. Other important information may also be shared throughout the month.

The ECC has many staff members who come in and out of the classroom. Some children receive integrated services in the classroom while other children may be pulled out for special education services. Your child may talk about a variety of staff members that have come into the classroom such as: the speech and language pathologist; the occupational therapist; the physical therapist; and/or the school counselor.  Your child may have the opportunity to participate in a group lesson in the classroom run by one of these specialists. The children always welcome a classroom activity run by one of our therapists.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. You can contact me by phone, catch up with me in person, or email me at 'Robin_Russell@wrsd.net' (there is an underscore between Robin and Russell).  Our email has a filter system that allows some emails to come through while not allowing others. If you email me and I do not get back to you, then your email got filtered out. I always return emails within a day unless I am not in school.

Thank you,

Robin Russell