October 5, 2021

Good Morning!

Please see below for the tasks that need to be completed today. There are specific directions listed at the bottom of the page for how to turn in assignments.

READING- Be on-line at 8:15am.

*You will need to attend the live meet for our lesson. Then complete SS34-SS36

MATH- Be on-line at 9:40am.

*Module 3; Properties of Operations, wkbk 75-76

Afternoon Activity- to be completed on your own.

Log into Lexia and complete a 30 minute session. Please write a sentence in your planner about what you did today.

*All assignments with an (*) need to be turned in through Google Classroom. Please have your child take a picture of his/her work and turn it in. Please turn in through Google Classroom. Click on TODAY'S date, then click on your name under the "Your Work" section. This will open up a blank Google Slide that has a title page for today. Find the appropriate slide for the appropriate activity. For instance if the slide says "Letter A " practice, please click on that slide to enter the picture of the Letter A assignment. When you have the slide ready and the assignment close by click the button at the top that looks like a mountain (it's right next to the tiny t) , select camera. Hold the assignment in front of the camera and click the camera to take a picture of the assignment. Then select insert. Then please make the picture the width of the slide. From here X out of that tab to go back to Google Classroom and click "turn in", it's the pink rectangle. Then you will have to click the pink "turn in" again as the computer will ask if you are sure you want to turn it in. You must select "turn in" or the assignment will not be turned in.

For more directions on turning in by taking a picture please click here.

After your work has been turned in through google classroom, you are done for today!