Movies shown in World Studies

Movies that are currently show in World Studies (subject to change)

China Unit

Engineering an Empire  China - history of ancient China and the different dynasties.

To Live (Not Rated) - Chinese subtitled film on China's history from 1940-1980s.  It is told by explaining the life of a Chinese family.

Tank Man - a 90's documentary on Tiananmen Square protests

Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower (Netflix) OR Frontline Battle for Hong Kong 

Congo Unit

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown - Congo (this is on Netflix). Overview of Congo’s geography, history, and present culture.

Virunga, (available on Netflix) (NR)   - This documentary features Virunga National Park, and how rebel groups fight for the park’s natural resources. It helps to set up their mini-seminar on how the world should deal with the issue of conflict minerals that are used in our technology.

We show the movie Hotel Rwanda (PG 13) -We use this to set up our Socratic Seminar on whether or not the UN is effective.  Understanding the Rwandan genocide helps students to Understand the First and Second Congo Wars.

Mexico Unit

Engineering an Empire Mexico - history of ancient Mexico (Mayan and Aztecs).

Storm that Swept Mexico  (clips) -PBS special on the different factions that fought for power in Mexico.

The VICE Guide to Congo