Vietnam Newscast Lesson


Students will create a news documentary depicting the Vietnam Conflict in a News Video. Small Groups will study different aspects of the conflict, culminating in a whole class News Video created using iPad technology.  Students will create the video with the use of all available information. Students will work independently to create the Vietnam Newscast. Instructor will facilitate instruction, technology, and research procedures.

1. Primary Sources-Documented

2. Video/Images showing the Vietnam Conflict

3. Popular Culture Sources

4. Leadership-Vietnamese/United States

5. Cold War Applications

6. Did the Baby Boomers Generation have any affect on the Vietnam conflict?

Learning Target



1-The United States involvement in Vietnam stretched over three decades how did public sentiment change over time.  

2- Why was the Vietnam War a polarizing event in American History?

3- How did the television media change the manner in which American citizens were informed?

Discussion in Think-Pair-Share, Groups of 2 Think in a Pair and then we SHARE!


Understands how the Cold War and the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam influenced domestic and international politics.


Benchmark: Understands the ( Television and Media Outlets )affected political elements of the Vietnam War (e.g., the constitutional issues involved in the Vietnam War and the legacy of the war). 

Understands the social issues that resulted from U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War (e.g., the composition of American forces recruited in the war; why the reporting of the Vietnam War contributed to a generational conflict; and the  lack of respect for traditional authority figures).

MLR's-E1- Students understand historical aspects of unity and diversity in Maine, the United States, and various world cultures, including Maine Native Americans.

Assessment Rubric-