
This is a research-focused project. It will involve either 1) exploring/proposing a new idea that you come up with or 2) re-implementing/re-evaluating an idea from a paper discussed in class.

If you're having trouble coming up with a good project, email Prof. San Miguel, stop by during office hours or set up an appointment to meet.

Projects will be done in groups of 1-3 students, with the exception of the topic survey, which will be done individually.

Submit all project work (Topic Survey, Proposal, Status Report, Final Presentation, Final Report) at ECE/CS 757 on Canvas.

Topic Survey (Due Wednesday 2/17):

To be done individually.

Pick a broad topic that you'd be interested in exploring for your project; though this doesn't have to be the topic that you end up going with later in the course. Select 3 papers of this topic (which can include papers discussed in class). In no more than one page total, summarize the papers and describe two ideas for future work for each of the 3 papers.

14% of project grade.

Proposal (Due Wednesday 3/10):

To be done as a group.

In no more than one page, provide the following:

1) A 250-word-limit abstract of your future paper. This is an exercise for concretely thinking about the motivations for your project and the key takeaways that you expect (or hope) to find in the end.

2) An itemized list of the steps you plan to take for the project.

18% of project grade.

Status Report (Due Wednesday 4/07):

To be done as a group.

In no more than one page, provide the following:

1) A 250-word-limit abstract of your future paper, updated based on any changes to your project plan/goals since the proposal.

2) An itemized list of what you've done so far.

3) An itemized list of what you plan to do next.

18% of project grade.

Final Presentation (Due Friday 5/02):

To be done as a group.

In no longer than 20 minutes, present what you did, your takeaways and what you personally learned from the project.

Presentations need to be recorded and uploaded on Canvas by the deadline. Group members should not need to meet in-person to record the presentation. To record your presentations remotely, you are encouraged to use Zoom (or alternatively, Kaltura Capture).

As part of your final presentation grade, a channel will be set up on Microsoft Teams (link on Canvas) from Monday 5/03 to Friday 5/07, where you will be required to answer questions about your project presentation.

25% of project grade.

Final Report (Due Friday 5/07):

To be done as a group.

In no more than four pages, write a two-column short paper for your project. Note that you do not need to submit any project code.

25% of project grade.