Snow Day/No Power Schedule

Remote Learning during preplanned and surprise Snow Days

Each day that we are not in school because of a snow day you will have school work that you are responsible for. This is graded.

  • You should be checking all of your google classrooms for assignments to be posted for you to complete. IF you have a power outage and cannot get into your classrooms these will be your assignments from the resource room:

ELA: Writing prompt (choose one), 5-7 sentences

  • Write about your favorite movie

  • Write about your favorite book

  • Write about your favorite song

  • Write about your pet(s)

  • Write about a topic of your choice

Then check your writing for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences, and spelling mistakes.

Math: Complete the worksheet given to you /or complete assignment on your math google classroom. Other options:

  • Count money

  • Cook something with parent help/permission

  • Play Monopoly (or something similar)

  • Draw a map of your home

Reading: Read for 20 minutes (book, magazine, newspaper, podcast.) After reading, choose one of the following to do:

  • write a summary of what you read, 5-7 sentences.

  • draw a picture of what you read, with an explanation.

Complete the reading packet given to you.

Teachers are available to meet with you to help with any assignments that are tricky. Send us an email and we can set up a google meet with you. Mrs. Guerrette, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Baird, or Mr. Ross.