Pre-Season Info

Register for 2024 Cross Country team here!

Information and requirements for eligibility to participate include having a current sports physical on file in the activities office, filling out the eligibility information, and paying the sports fee.  Click the link above to get started.  Further guidance on those requirements can be found on the Winhawk Athletics and Activities webpage.

New to CC?

If you are new to the Winhawk Cross Country program here is a letter explaining it from a new runner's perspective.

Summer Letter to Newcomers 2024 

General Info

Here is a link to the document handed out at the beginning of the season.  It details information under the following headings: Coaching Staff, Team Goals, Training Basics, Practice Basics, Meet Basics, Nutrition Basics, Commitment to team, Shoes/Watches, General Lettering Requirements, Team Captains, Meet Schedule, Emergency Action Plan, Surviving/Thriving in Cross Country, Tips for Parents, and Program History

Pre-Season Info 2023