
Parents and Students,

Welcome to my website for the 2022-2023 school year! I hope that everyone has had a restful summer and is ready for the many exciting challenges that await us!

On this website, I am providing information regarding my class policy (COVID-19 safety information included) and student assignments. To access this information on the website, use the following tabs:

To access my classroom expectations, please click the "About" tab in the menu bar at the top of this page. It is very important that you read this class policy as it contains information regarding COVID-19.

To view a listing of your daily assignments, please click the "22-23 Lesson Plans" tab in the menu bar at the top of this page. To clarify, the "Lesson Plans" tab will provide you with a calendar that lists your daily assignments. Actual assignments be will accessed through Google Classroom, or they will be distributed during class.

To view instructions on how to use Google Classroom, please click the "Classroom News" tab in the menu bar.

If you need to contact me, I can be reached via email at dmcclain@windberschools.org or by phone at 467-4567(ext. 324). I will make every effort to respond to you within 24 hours.

Thank you for taking the time to explore my website. I am looking forward to a safe and productive school year!

Mrs. Dina McClain