Finance Committee Revised Schedule

Post date: Feb 14, 2021 2:18:1 PM

Dear Finance Committee Colleagues,

In years past we would begin our meetings right after mid-February, but this year we will be operating on a slightly delayed schedule. Town meeting will again be held outdoors, which means probably early June. This affords us a bit more time to complete our work and still be able to vote on the warrant articles in time for everything to be printed and ready. It also gives us a more sensible time schedule for reviewing and understanding the Mt. Greylock Regional School District budget. Accordingly, we will plan the following schedule of meetings:

At present the schedule for March 10 and March 24 (and possibly also March 31) is less precise than in the past to afford Jason some flexibility to arrange for presentations and attendance of department managers from the town. We will try to be more specific if possible in the agendas posted the week prior to the meetings. The agendas and other items for the meetings will be posted at .

I have made some very minor changes to the normal array of subject area assignments, most notably in anticipation of increased town interest in the public safety and police budget this year. I hope all of that meets with your approval. The assignments (and the schedule outline printed above) are contained in the "FinanceCommittee2021AssignmentAndMeetingOverview" document attached.

Attached to this message is also a document titled "Summary of the Conflict of Interest Law for Municipal Employees". This is a year when all members of Municipal Boards and Committees must acknowledge receipt of this document AND go online to take a test showing that you know about the rules governing these matters. (This happens every other year).

You can acknowledge receipt of this document by allowing your e-mail program to send me the requested "read receipt" showing that you opened this message. I will forward that to Nicole.

To complete the test, you must go online to:

Scroll down and click on:


We are asked to complete the test by Friday, March 5, 2021 and forward the certificate to Nicole at . If you want to forward it to me (if that is easier) I will forward it to Nicole.

As soon as I receive the annual Finance Committee Cover letter from Jason, I will forward a copy to all of you. I'll send and post the agenda for our March 3 meeting in 11 or 12 days.

I look forward to seeing you all online. In the meantime, if you have any questions please let me know.

Best regards,

Steve Sheppard