Power Aggregation

Post date: Oct 29, 2020 4:34:27 PM

I discussed this past spring when the Berkshire group finalized contracts, however, new power aggregation contract is now in effect:

The Town of Williamstown is pleased to announce that Dynegy Energy Services has been selected as the supplier for its Community Choice Power Supply Program. The Town’s new aggregation rate is fixed at $0.10671 per kWh for all rate classes for 36 months (November 2020 to November 2023). 41% of the power supply will be offset with MA Class I Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) from New England renewable sources, which is 25% above the current state mandate of 16% for these renewables. National Grid’s Residential Basic Service rate is fixed at $0.12388 per kWh from November 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021.

It is important to note that no action will be required by individual consumers. All accounts currently enrolled in the Program will be switched to Dynegy Energy Services as of the November 2020 meter reads. This change will be noted on the November 2020 bills and will be seen on the December 2020 bills. Consumers with questions about the Program should call Colonial Power Group, the Town’s aggregation consultant, at (866) 485-5858 ext. 1.

For more detailed information about the Town’s Program, including how to OPT-OUT or OPT-IN, or to access National Grid’s Basic Service rates, please visit https://colonialpowergroup.com/williamstown/.