Not in Our County pledge

Post date: Jun 22, 2020 4:9:6 PM

Dear Select Board,

As you will be considering responses to racial inequity issues this evening, I would ask that you reconsider signing the Not in Our County #allhandsin pledge. This is sponsored by Multicultural Bridge and is a county-wide initiative to get individuals, businesses and towns to commit to working with each other to create safer, more integrated communities.

The pledge can be "signed" online, though I would encourage the board to both sign online and write a physical document that can be posted in the Town Hall (for whenever folks can go there again).

Here is the link:

Here is the text of the pledge:

“As an institution, organization or local business, we commit to working together with our constituents, employees, employers and stakeholders to create a safer, more integrated Berkshire County. As an organization we respond with best intention and practices to not stay silent in the face of intolerance or hate based on race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, country of origin, ability or any other factor. We work to acknowledge, address and act in response to all forms of intended or unintended exclusion, hate, bigotry, intolerance and bullying. We pledge to renew our commitment to this work every day and to respond to all incidents in a timely, collaborative manner.”

I thank you for considering this and leading the way for the Town of Williamstown in this effort.

Respectfully submitted.

Abby Reifsnyder