Request to modify Junk Vehicle By-law

Post date: Mar 04, 2020 8:11:29 PM

I've received a request to consider modifying the Junk Vehicle By-law and met with the resident requesting and his attorney. We discussed a variety of alternatives and fell back to a simple expansion of the junk vehicle bylaw to include junk boats by addition. It's worth noting that this type of ordinance, including boats, does exist in some other communities in the county. There are other potential equipment concerns but the path to include those was less clear. The original language from the 1969 approval used "vehicle" and "automobile" to mean the same thing which did not assist in clarity.

Under the current bylaw, property owners are prohibited from having more than one junk vehicle in open view without a license, renewable annually from the Chief of Police/Select Board. This would incorporate junk boats into the definition.