Parking Bylaw

Post date: Oct 30, 2019 7:0:42 PM

Based on the input received and the tepid response to changing parking regulations, we've modified the recommended bylaw updates to capture the necessary technical updates to remove references to parking no longer in existence.

We did consider whether it was reasonable to make adjustments to overnight parking in some areas but not others; however, the complexity of informing about that outweighed potential benefits since if the rule did not apply uniformly to the entire town, those streets with different restrictions would likely need to be individually signed.

Our original rationale for recommending an increase in fines was the reduction in overall potential violations and wanting to emphasize the rules we had retained. The Chief's updated memo retains part of this recommendation in part as a response to the concerns raised about maintaining turnover of parking spaces in places where there is a time limit and recalling our own concern about reducing multiple offenses. There are a variety of related items all of which have their own fines which are also currently $15 - the recommendation is to change all of those to avoid unusual situations (i.e. parking in front of a hydrant is less "expensive" than overtime parking.) We recommend retaining the $15 fine for overnight parking violations.