Upcoming Meeting schedule

Post date: Apr 02, 2018 8:23:5 PM

Our scheduled meeting slot for the end of May falls on Memorial Day.

At this time, I would suggest deferring business until our next meeting in June; unless circumstances cause a need for a meeting that week.

I would like to have at least a brief meeting on June 4th on our calendars. If the Police Station project is approved at Town Meeting, we will be proceeding expeditiously to securing financing and have tentatively scheduled the bond sale for June 4th at mid day. The Board will need to sign an acceptance of bid on the 4th. No further action will be needed -- Janet will be there (this is officially a Treasurer role to manage borrowing), there will be paperwork to be signed. Perhaps, since you will have to be here anyway that evening, we hold the business meeting then and skip the 11th and return to schedule for the 25th.

Also, we usually defer one ore more meetings during the summer and I'd like to start planning for when that might be and/or if we should move a meeting date to accommodate schedules. So, if you can advise of availability or lack thereof on the following dates, I can compile and propose a summer schedule.

July 9, 23, 30

August 13, 27