BRPC Meeting

Post date: Nov 14, 2017 5:8:23 PM


A meeting of the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission

will be held on:

Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the BRPC Office

1 Fenn Street, Ste. 201

Pittsfield, MA 01201

Please Note: In the case of inclement weather on the day of the meeting, please call BRPC (413-442-1521, ext 15) to confirm if the meeting will still be held.

Meeting Material: All written materials for the meeting are posted on BRPC’s website: Click on the calendar date for the meeting and materials available will be listed.


I. Opening (7:00-7:05)

A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Approval of Minutes September 28, 2017 Meeting

II. Comments from the Public (7:05-7:10)

Members of the public may offer comments regarding topics which are on the agenda or other matters which they wish to bring to the Commission’s attention. Comments are limited to no more than three minutes and are to be directed to the Commission.

III. Delegates' Issues (7:10-7:15)

Delegates and Alternates may bring up any issue not on the agenda.

IV. Draft Massachusetts Freight Plan – Consideration of Comments (7:15-7:30)

2017 Draft Massachusetts Freight Plan is now available for comment until December 6th. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s (MassDOT’s) Freight Plan is a strategic planning document that will define a short and long-term vision for the freight system in Massachusetts. The Plan is multi-modal; including air, rail, truck and maritime transport. It also includes intermodal; transportation by more than one mode, such as trips using truck and rail. Transportation Program Manager Clete Kus will provide an overview of the plan and how it applies to Berkshire County and the Commission will be asked to consider a comment letter.

To review the draft plan go to:

V. A Closer Look – Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation’s Study of Pressing Needs in Its Four-County Region (7:30-8:00)

Peter Taylor, President of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, will present BTCF’s report: “A Closer Look.” In preparing this report, BTCF wanted to gather a set of data and have a series of deliberate discussions to hear directly from a diverse range of residents. They wanted to know from their perspectives what is most important for improving lives, what challenges they face and what is keeping them in — or causing them to consider leaving — this extraordinary region. Working with a research partner, BTCF held a dozen focus groups, launched four online surveys and reviewed existing data and reports. "A Closer Look" results from that process.

To review the report, go to:

VI. Current Regional Topic - Pittsfield’s Polystyrene Ban (8:00—8:15)

Jim McGrath, Pittsfield’s Park, Open Space and Natural Resource Program Manager will provide a short overview of Pittsfield’s polystyrene ban, the challenges the city faced and the strategies used to get it adopted, as well as the issues that have arisen since it was passed.

VII. Short Term Rental Legislation – Consideration of Comments (8:15-8:30)

The Regional Issues Committee has been considering the various issues involving short-term housing rental legislation over the past several months. The Committee is meeting Wednesday, the day before the Commission meeting, and proposed comments will be presented at the Commission meeting to be sent to the legislature.

VIII. Approval of Executive Committee Actions between September 28 and November 16, 2017 (8:30-8:35)

IX. Status of Executive Director Search Committee Efforts (8:35-8:40)

Chair Kyle Hanlon will brief the Commission on the status of the Search Committee’s work on replacing the Executive Director.

X. Executive Director’s Report (8:40-8:45)

A. 5th Thursday Dinner for Planning and Zoning Boards – November 30th, Mazzeo’s, Pittsfield

B. Efficiency and Regionalization Grant Opportunity from Division of Local Services – application deadline November 16, 2017

C. Municipal ADA Compliance Grant Opportunity from Massachusetts Office on Disability – application deadline November 17, 2017

D. Funding Available for Downtown Revitalization Technical Assistance from the Massachusetts Downtown Initiative Program/Department of Housing & Community Development – application deadline November 30, 2017

E. District Local Technical Assistance Project Solicitation

F. Congratulations to Stockbridge, Mount Washington, Pittsfield and North Adams on Successful MassWorks Applications

G. Other

XI. Adjournment (8:45)

Other interested citizens and officials are invited to attend.

All times listed are estimates of when specific agenda items may be discussed.