5th Grade

As we start looking at 4th quarter grades. Please take a look at my rubric below:

If for any reason you have not been able to submit your kiddo's artwork in to me via hard copy at pick-up time or images of artwork emailed to me please contact me. We can talk and work it out. My email is thompsonn@wildroseschools.org. I understand these are difficult times and I will work with you in every way possible so your kiddo can get the passing grade they deserve. Thank you so much!!

Please allow 24 hour response time. Thank you so much for your patience. I love getting your artwork in and I am posting as quickly as I can. Great Work Everyone!!

5th Grade Artists google classroom CODE: ijwpayi


If Your camera works on your chromebook you can take a picture. Here is how - at the lower left of your screen there is a circle if you click on it and type in the search bar “camera” the app will come up. Then all you do is hold up the artwork and take a picture. Next go into google classroom and click on the assignment and create a doc in the assignment - go to the toolbar on top and click insert then click image (top one) download from computer and your photo will come up in your downloads. Simply click on it and click open and it will go in your document then click turn in. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you so much,

Mrs. T

Note: Please continue to turn in assignments in google classroom see below if you are having trouble with that. If you are more comfortable emailing artwork to me that works great too, you will not need to turn in a hard copy if you are emailing or turning in artwork on google classroom.

* Adding files to google classroom:

Here is a video link from the student perspective that might help. You just need to see his 2nd example of the doc assignment because that is the type of assignment I created. Link below:

Google classroom from the students perspective

New Projects: picked up week of April 28-30

due at the end of school year.

Dates will be posted by classroom teachers.

Fun May Day project:

Due date TBD (last pickup/drop off day)

Please have your parents take you around to deliver the May baskets. You can fill them with paper flower drawings or you can pick flowers to put in them. Have Fun


There are many different choices and ideas on Pinterest if you look up “paper cone may basket craft” or “May day craft ideas for kids”.

Mothers Day Crafts for Mom, Grandma, Aunt or Sister:

Due date TBD (last pickup/drop off day)

This is just an example You can search Mothers day crafts on Pinterest - Facebook - Google - and youtube and there are tons of ideas. I will have included more construction paper for you to create this project and the other options I list. Please feel free to use your imagination and supplies you have at home to create anything you like.

Fathers Day Card for Dad or Grandpa or Uncle or Brother:

Due date TBD (last pickup/drop off day)

This is just an example You can search Fathers day crafts on Pinterest - Facebook - Google - and youtube and there are tons of ideas. I will have included some supplies and more construction paper for you to create this project and the other options I list. Please feel free to use your imagination and supplies you have at home to create anything you like.

Art for Kids Hub:

Due date TBD (last pickup/drop off day)

Supplies need:

White paper supplied

Pencil / crayon / or markers / paint ARTIST CHOICE

All of the kiddos are familiar with this youtube site because I use it a ton when I have a substitute. It is a FANTASTIC way to practice drawing. I like to choose drawings for young artists for my K-2nd grade artists but they can choose whatever they would like to draw the choices are truly endless. Please make sure they know that this is practice and they are learning. They may want to try things a couple times each time they will get better and better. Please make sure they know it should not be perfect the most important part is that they have fun!! Then they can color them anyway they want. Please email me a picture when they are all done. HAVE FUN!! Here are a couple ideas.

Still life or Outdoor Drawing:

Due date TBD (last pickup/drop off day)

Supplies need:

White paper supplied

Pencil / crayon / or markers / paint ARTIST CHOICE

Try doing a still life. Set up 3 of your favorite own things on a table in front of you and draw what you see. Then try a drawing outside. See Video for reference on how to do a Still life drawing with shading. Have Fun


Student Choice sculpture homemade bird feeders:

Due date TBD (last pickup/drop off day)


These are just examples You can search Homemade bird feeder craft for kids on Pinterest - Facebook - Google - and youtube and there are tons of ideas. I will have included some supplies for you to complete these. Supplies not included are pine cones and birdseed. Please feel free to use your imagination and supplies you have at home to create anything you like.

For the 2 crafts below you will need to supply the birdseed and the milk/orange juice box and caps. I have included craft sticks and string and more construction paper.

Projects due April 24th:

Note: All assignments with due dates 6th that have not been completed will be accepted along with the following assignments. Also I have had many of you creating art on your own I will accept them in place of or along with projects assigned. Great Work Everyone!!

Fun Link from the Milwaukee Public Museum:

Milwaukee Public Museums Weekly Connection


Due date April 24th

I sent home a paper mache mask. I want you to research on line what you can do with this mask.

I am including paper mache techniques using supplies you should have at home.

NOTE: you do not need to add more paper mache to the mask it is just an option - you may also design the mask as it is.

If you can paint them great if you do not have paints at home you can use markers.

Get creative using house old items like boxes and tubes buttons beads yarn anything you have at home. I will be including yarn for your gods eye craft you can use that too but make sure you have enough for your gods eye.


Make sure you have your newspaper strips cut and ready to go.

Recipe video

Design Idea

This is a design method called decoupage you can use any napkin or you can design your own on a white napkin using color pencil or crayon Marker may bleed. You can also youse Elmer's glue with a little water to make if more paintable. If you do not have paint you can use markers to add designs.

These are just Ideas you can design your mask any way you would like. HAVE FUN!!

Gods Eye craft:

Due date April 24th

You will need 2 sticks (you can use craft sticks if you want or you can use sticks too)

Glue dots included (can use hot glue BE CAREFUL)

Yarn or string I included some but you can use your own if you have some.

This video is very advanced using wooden dowels you could use long sticks or craft sticks and just use the video for inspiration on your own craft she works the yarn in different ways. There are many videos on youtube with all sorts of ideas and levels of skill check them out and pick the one that works best for you or that you are most comfortable with. Post a picture or email me a picture when you are done. HAVE FUN!!

Art for Kids Hub:

Due date April 24th

Please finish any unfinished artwork picked up first then pick new ones.

Supplies need:

White paper supplied

Pencil / crayon / or markers / paint ARTIST CHOICE / copy paper from home for origami

All of the kiddos are familiar with this youtube site because I use it a ton when I have a substitute. It is a FANTASTIC way to practice drawing. Students can choose whatever they would like to draw the choices are truly endless. Please make sure they know that this is practice and they are learning. They may want to try things a couple times each time they will get better and better. Please make sure they know drawings do not need to be perfect the most important part is that they have fun!! Then they can color them anyway they want. Please post in google classroom or email me a picture when they are all done. HAVE FUN!!

Shadow Drawings:

Due date April 24th

Supplies needed:

Assortment of your toys for drawing. Your sibling, bike, parents, ect.

White paper / driveway or sidewalk if using chalk

Markers, crayons or chalk.

See pictures attached for ideas

Set up toys so that a shadow appears on your paper then draw from the other side the shadow shapes of the upside down toys. You can also trace items onto your driveway or sidewalks with chalk. Get outside and get fresh are and have fun. Please email me pictures when you have them complete.



Student Choice sculpture craft Pinterest:

Due date April 24th

Pinterest is a phenomenal website that offers endless kids craft ideas. You can type in Easter Crafts for kids, Animal Crafts for kids, Earth-day crafts for kids, whatever you would like and tons of options come up. I look forward to seeing what you find that interests you.

See example below (just an example you could make any animal or do a different project up to you): You can use any old sock and it will be so great:

Be sure to find crafts that you have the materials at home. Dried beans/sand would work great instead of the rice for this craft.


Projects due April 6th:

Note: videos included are for ideas - there are 1000's of videos on youtube that can inspire you. Please do not feel you have to follow the videos as the assignment because you may not have all the materials at home. Just use them as a guide and inspiration for your own creations.

Magazine Collage:

Due date April 6th

ASK YOUR PARENTS if you can have a magazine / Newspaper / Old Books / Pictures (junk mail magazine promotions catalogs work great too) that you may cut out pictures. Put the objects together to make new objects. Glue your creations to another piece of paper (construction paper in your folder) to create a very interesting work of art. Feel free to add drawings or backgrounds on or around your creations like grass or trees or space that is up to you. I have attached a video to give you some ideas on how to start. Do your best and have fun! When you have finished post a picture of your awesome artwork.

Cardboard Creations:

Due date April 6th

Ask Your Parents for any help with cutting tools that are not scissors and use glue sticks or Elmer's glue for safety do not use hot glue. Use household items to create a sculpture out of cardboard. (ie: cereal boxes, Kleenex boxes, toilet and paper towel rolls etc.) I am attaching videos for ideas but you may do anything your creative mind comes up with. The videos can be followed if you have all supplies at home or use them as a reference for ideas. Use what every art supplies you have at home to make your creation. Do your best and have fun! When you have finished post a picture of your awesome artwork.

Student Choice:

Due date April 6th

Students can Choose:

1. Making Leaf Creations: Go outside and get some fresh air and find some different leaves, sticks, pine needles etc. and glue them together to create a creature or design. See videos attached.

2. Sidewalk Chalk: Go outside and get some fresh air and draw a beautiful picture of you and your family, your pets, flowers, rainbows, whatever you can come up with. You could even draw a fort with different rooms to explore.

3. Cutting pages and coloring pages in art folder sent home.

Do your best and have fun! When you have finished post a picture (google classroom) of your awesome artwork.