Potential energy is stored energy, or energy of position. Kinetic energy is energy of motion. A book that has been lifted from the floor and placed on a table has stored potential energy due to gravity.

A falling book, however, has kinetic energy, and the force of its impact with the ground will release energy. Likewise, the first hill of a rollercoaster should be the highest, so that the most potential energy is stored before the ride drops and potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

A battery has chemical potential energy, and its chemical energy is stored until it is connected to a circuit, where its chemical energy can be changed to electrical energy.

Maglev Trains Click on Maglev and answer the work sheet

ENERGY: Open simulation “Energy Skate Park.”.

1. Click on Simulations 2. Work, Energy, and Power on the left side. 3. Click on Energy Skate Park.

Part II:

Day 1: Close Reads: Putting in the Work-

  • read the handout, make annotations on the page,

  • watch the video MOTION

  • define the words using the lyrics and previous knowledge

Day 2: Newton's Laws 1;2;3

  • Watch a short video on Sir Isaac Newton

  • Using the research organizer answer the question- Who was Sir Isaac Newton? Go to World Book Encyclopedia

Day 3: Newton's Laws: Force and Force/ Fan Cart Physics select one of the Gizmo's