Human Impacts

Some useful sites for our carousel project.

1. CLICK HERE to access a 70 year interactive timeline of environmental change.

2. CLICK HERE to watch a video clip on how humans can affect the ecosystems.

2.1 Why do top predators accumulate more toxic substances in their body tissues?

3. CLICK HERE to watch a short video clip that explains how DDT accumulates in the food chain of an aquatic ecosystem.

3.1 What other top predators can you think of that will have a high concentration of toxic chemicals in their body tissues?

4. CLICK HERE to view a short animation that illustrates how toxic chemicals build up in an ecosystem.

5. What are the negative effects of DEFORESTATION? CLICK HERE to read more. Be sure to click on the photo gallery at the bottom of the page.

5.1 What is the leading cause of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon?

5.2 What is illegal logging and how does it contribute to deforestation?

5.3 Why did the government of Madagascar slash and burn one of the most biologically rich areas on Earth?

6. The Asian Carp, a non native species in the US, has already disrupted the ecosystem in the Mississippi River and is now headed towards Lake Michigan! How did the carp get here in the first space? What effect will the Asian Carp have on the ecosystem and native fish populations? Read this article to find out.

7. CLICK HERE to access an interactive site that explains the global warming, carbon cycle and the water cycle.

7.1 What are the causes of global warming?

7.2 How is it effecting the Earth?

7.3 What can we do to stop or slow down global warming?


YouTube Video

9. CLICK HERE to access a website with news and pictures on the oil spill of the Gulf of Mexico.


1. How do power stations contribute to the formation of acid rain? CLICK HERE to find out. Make sure to click on the five stages (bottom left).

2. CLICK HERE to view an animation about acid rain by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).