Wind Ensemble

Course # 2412 - Wind Ensemble Full Year

This is a performance course open to advanced wind and percussion students in grades 9-12 who are selected through an audition process, and who are interested in working on highly complex and challenging literature designed for wind ensemble. Students from this ensemble may also audition for the Symphonic Orchestra, which meets concurrently. Students perform at a variety of venues.

Prerequisite: Audition

Concert Dress

All Black concert Dress required. Boys: black button down oxford style shirts, black dress shoes, black socks, black pants and a black belt (no tie). Girls: black long dress gown or black top and black dress. Gowns and dresses must be long and at a minimum cover the knees.


Lessons are provided by Weston High School and are taught by the Band Director during the school day. The Band Director will post the master band schedule and provide available periods during the school day that band students can attend. It is expected that students will not miss classes, rather attend during free times such as QUIET STUDY, LUNCH PERIODS, 7:20-7:40 AM, 2:30-2:50 PM, OPEN PERIODS Etc. Students will sign up for these times in advance with the director.

Extra Help

There are many times when a student has trouble playing their instrument. It is “the nature of the beast”. I am available for extra help before school every day at 7:20 AM and after school from 2:30-2:50. (Early/later times are available upon request) Students may sign up for extra help with the director in advance. Students should speak to me at a minimum of the day before to make arrangements for extra help.