Policies - Processes (Other)

USG Reporting Resources (official Banner Data Element Dictionary)

UWG IEA IPEDS data process for determining student location:

    • E. Harper pulls Argos Report ALL1050; she first looks at the Mailing Address and if it is Blank then goes to Permanent Address (PR); EH submits report

    • MA = Mailing Address = Enrolled Student Current Address (location while in classes)

      • PR = Permanent Address = the address student's put in when they apply (also called Hometown)

UWG NC-SARA annual report

  • J. Gubbins works w/ E. Harper to gather locations (# of students within each state), based off of IPEDS report (see above); JG submits report

UWG Professional Licensure reports and process (in progress; notes as of 11/6)

    1. We will have to have a flag that alerts someone when anyone applies with a Permanent Address from out of state so that we can have someone contact then with initial notification? or any out-of-state will have to initial or check a box (?) acknowledging possible limitations associated with program choice; also disclaimer about how relocating or choosing a program may be impacted (will we have another trigger if the student makes changes/ declares major in Banner?)

    2. For annual report (by whom? when? where do reports reside? who sends student annual notifications?) Use Enrolled Student Current Address (Mailing Address), as Mr. Williams's option 2 suggested, but if the field is blank then perhaps we should default to the other (Permanent Address) so that our #s and process will match how IEA's IPEDS data is collected (and the data we also provide to NC-SARA)? (CJenks checked with other USG schools and they basically follow this same process)

    3. Use disclaimer info similar to UKY. CJenks shared: https://www.uky.edu/tlai/licensure According to the Kentucky example, they go with the student's address at the time of application (Permanent Address) which is the opposite of the current proposal above. But what I love is that they place the responsibility on the student during their course of study (“if you move then it is your responsibility to update your addresses and figure this out…” this is important because students often do not update their records when relocating and we don't want to get blamed for that).

Other notes: Dr. Jenks also shared these great links

· https://oir.uga.edu/hea_licensure/

· https://sacscoc.gsu.edu/student-consumer-info/professional-licensure/

· https://wcetsan.wiche.edu/resources/professional-licensure

I see that the GSU one links back to their Consumer Complaint page which reminds me that ours may be out of date. The CC page is also a federal requirement so I assume that Legal/ Compliance might want to review and update as needed. I wrote the original content and my dept sends updates to UCM whenever we note something awry. I see we are behind. I’m glad to collaborate with Kristi or whoever deemed appropriate to update the content on the page: https://www.westga.edu/administration/president/legal/student-consumer-information.php