Band Boosters

24-25 Western Band boosters

Joe Lewis, President

Jaime Lewis, Vice-President

Maureen Beckwith, Secretary

Lisa Holaday, Treasurer

Avril Medina & Maureen Beckwith, Uniforms

Joe Lewis, Transportation 

Jeremy Zehring & Chris Reed, Production

Emily Wheeler & Ashley Peters, Guard Rep.

Avril Medina, Middle School Rep

Rachel Lisby, Member at Large

vacant, Member at Large

vacant, Member at Large

Jaime Lewis, BB & FB Concessions

Meagan Reed, Sponsorship

Jaime Lewis, Fundraising

Ashley Peters, Decorating

Jessica Ealy, Food Committee

vacant, Publicity

vacant, volunteer organizer

vacant, winter percussion

LEVEL 1 Volunteer/Visitor: This includes volunteer/visitors that can possibly have direct and unsupervised interaction with a student (i.e. classroom volunteers, field trips, classroom parties, band/sports parents, and any volunteer/lay coach). For a level 1 volunteer/visitor, an extended background check will be run for any individual under this category. This will require a $15.90 fee, paid by the volunteer/visitor via our outside vendor. The fees for lay coaches will be paid by the Western School Corporation Athletics upon receipt. The background check will be valid for 3 school years from the date of completion. If the volunteer/visitor/lay coach has lived outside the county/state of Indiana, there will be an additional charge associated with the request. A link to complete this process can be found on the school website.

Click Here to complete the LEVEL 1 Background Check