12/3/12 - 12/7/12 - Branches of Government

Post date: Dec 4, 2012 2:57:55 PM

Monday - Finish up with the Legislative Branch - started with the Executive Branch - perks of the President

Tuesday - Executive Branch - Vice President, Movie on the Executive Branch(worksheet goes with it), powers of the executive branch

Wednesday - Judicial Branch -laws and courts of the judicial branch, movie on the Judicial branch(worksheet goes with it)

Thursday - Federal court, Appeals court, and Supreme Court - how they work and what cases they hear

Friday - Students will be put into groups of 3 or 4 and given a Supreme Court Case - must explain what happened, what was the verdict, why the Supreme Court heard it, what the vote was on the Supreme Court, and what was the opinion of the Supreme Court - they will present their case to the class - 25pts