Day Trips

The 4 groups - A, B, C will do the following outings:

Dates: Mon 4th, Tues 5th and Weds 6th December 2023.

Group A Cost: $160      Group A information letter 

Activities: Day 1:  Orienteering Mt.Vic then Fergs, waterfront,climb+kayak/rollerblade

Day 2:  Somes Island orienteering then Day’s Bay kayak or biking. Return 3.45pm

Day 3:  High wire course at Adrenalin Forest, Porirua 


Group B    Cost: $160  Group B information letter 

Activities: Day 1:   Somes Island orienteering then Day’s Bay kayak or biking. Return 3.45pm

Day 2:  High wire course at Adrenalin Forest, Porirua

Day 3:  Orienteering Mt.Vic then Fergs, waterfront,climb+kayak/rollerblade 


Group C Cost: $180       Group C information letter 

Activities: Day 1:  High wire course at Adrenalin Forest, Porirua

Day 2:  Orienteering Mt.Vic then Fergs, waterfront,climb+kayak/rollerblade

Day 3:  Snorkelling, Island Bay + Carlucciland minigolf


Link to the Day trips Timetable 

Day trips depart Wellington College 8.50am, return by 3.15pm, daily. There are some exceptions to these timings and meeting venues, as follows:

The Adrenalin Forest trips meet at the Wellington railway station at 8.50am

The Matiu Somes Island + Day's Bay trip meet at the Eastbourne ferry terminal by Queen's Wharf at 9.30am, and returns to Wellington College at 3.45pm.