
Your grade will be computed according to the following scheme:

Problem sets and quizzes:

Each midterm exam:

Final exam:




Exams will be curved but problems sets and quizzes will not. In assigning the final letter grade, in addition to considering your numerical scores from each graded component of the course, I will adhere to the following guidelines.

Grades at Wellesley College are described in the Articles of Government as follows:

(a) Grade A is given to students who meet with conspicuous excellence every demand which can fairly be made by the course.

(b) Grade B is given to those students who add to the minimum of satisfactory attainment excellence in not all, but some of the following: organization, accuracy, originality, understanding, insight.

(c) Grade C is given to those students who have attained a satisfactory familiarity with the content of a course and who have demonstrated ability to use this knowledge in a satisfactory manner.

(d) Grade D is a passing grade.

(e) Grade F denotes failure and loss of credit for the course.

Here are more details about each component of the grade in this class: