Here is a selection of (mostly) recent talk slides and videos from my lectures on various topics.
Mathematics for democracy: New research directions in social choice, districting, and representation, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA, January 2025.
Topological models for simple games, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA, January 2025.
Taylor towers for r-immersions, University of Virginia Topology and Geometry Seminar, February 2024.
Simplicial complexes and political strucures, GEOMAT-A Conference, Mérida, Mexico, January 2024. Here is a YouTube video of the talk. (Here are the slides for a shorter version I gave at the 2024 JMM in San Francisco, CA.)
The topology of political structures, University of Michigan, March 2022.
Simplicial complexes and political structures, EPFL, Switzerland, May 2021.
Topological data analysis and the spread of COVID-19, International Environmetrics Society conference, December 2020.
Calculus of functors for r-immersions, Stockholm University, Sweden, January 2019.
Cohomology of braids, graph complexes, and configuration space integrals, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, January 2019.
Detecting functional connectivity of the rat brain with topological data analysis, 10th Days of BHAAAS in Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 2018.
Some new applications of manifold calculus of functors, MIT, Boston, MA, December 2016.
Some combinatorial problems arising from manifold calculus of functors, Combinatorial Stuctures in Topology Conference, University of Regina, Canada, August 2015.
Configuration space integrals, calculus of functors, and spaces of knots and links, Shinshu University Topology Seminar, Matsumoto, Japan, December 2012.
Homotopy-theoretic metods in the study of spaces of knots and links, Tokyo University Topology Seminar, Tokyo, Japan, December 2012.
Configuration space integrals, operad formality, and the cohomology of knot and link spaces: Part I, Configuration Spaces and Operads Conference at MIMS, Tunisia, June 2012.
Configuration space integrals, operad formality, and the cohomology of knot and link spaces: Part II, Configuration Spaces and Operads Conference at MIMS, Tunisia, June 2012.
Expository talks about topology
Why math is more important now than ever before, United World College, Mostar, Bosnia, March 2022.
Simplicial complexes and their applications, Bard College, May 2021.
Some new applications of topology (in Bosnian), University of Sarajevo, Bosnia, March 2019.
Some new applications of topology and geometry, International University of Sarajevo (here is a version in Bosnian, given at the University of Sarajevo), May 2018.
An introduction to calculus of functors (in Bosnian), University of Sarajevo, March 2015.
An introduction to algebraic topology (in Bosnian), University of Sarajevo, March 2015.
An introduction to calculus of functors and its applications to manifolds (in Bosnian), Mathematics Institute of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, March 2015.
STEM education
STEM: An integrated approach to education (in Bosnian), STEM Fair, Mostar, Bosnia, November 2019.
STEM education and economic development (in Bosnian), Academy387, Sarajevo, Bosnia, March 2019.
The importance of STEM education, 10th Days of BHAAAS in Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 2018.
Math and democracy
An introduction to ranked choice voting, Better Ballot Sacramento (webinar), January 2025.
Mathematics and democracy: interdisciplinarity in the classroom and in civic action, United World College, January 2025.
Redesigning our demoracy: a mathematical approach, University of Notre Dame, November 2024.
Math of the Electoral College, Fix Democracy First, August 2024.
Making democracy count, FairVote, May 2024.
Making democracy count: math's influential role in voting and representation, Smithsonian Associates, May 2024 (here are some pre-talk questions and links to readings).
The shape of democracy: topological methods in social choice theory, University of Virginia colloquium, February 2024.
Data science in service of democracy, USAID DiaWorks series, September 2023.
Math and politics in the Boston City Council elections, Ranked Choice Boston Summer Youth Internship Program, August 2023.
Mathematical foundations of democracy, Wellesley College Science Faculty Speaker Series, February 2023.
Game theory for social justice, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, June 2022.
Math, politics, and game theory (series of lectures), Critical Approach to the Political Representation in Bosnia-Herzegovina conference, April 2022.
Prisoner's dilemma, tragedy of the commons, and game theory as a model for sustainability, Step by Step Sustainablility Series, February 2022.
Quantitative literacy and democracy, Wellesley Democratic Town Committee, November 2021.
Traps and pitfalls in interpreting and reporting statistics, Science Journalism Conference, Bosnia-Herzegovina, July 2021.
Innumeracy and politics: Voting, apportionment, and other mathematical ways we fail at democracy, Wellesley College's Quantitative Reasoning Program lecture series, October 2020. (Here is the video of the talk.)
Mathematika i politika: kako kvantitativna nepismenost ograničava demokratiju, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at University of Sarajevo, June 2020 (in Bosnian).
Math and politics: How innumeracy makes us fail at democracy, Albright Institute for Global Affairs, January 2020. (Here is the video of the talk.)
Mathematics of voting and apportionment, Wellesley High School, November 2019.
Mathematics and democracy, Wellesley Democratic Town Committee, October 2019.
Cryptography and privacy, Amherst College, MA, April 2016.
Mathematics in our daily (cyber) lives: Internet browsing, communication security, and beyond, International University of Sarajevo, May 2012.