
Publications and Accepted Papers

Democracy and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Indonesia” With Prabhat Barnwal, Ritam Chaurey and Priya Mukherjee. Review of Economics and Statistics, 105(3): 713-722, May 2023. (Working Paper, VoxDev Column)

Intranational Trade Costs, Product Scope and Productivity: Evidence from India’s Golden Quadrilateral Project” With Mary Chen. Journal of Development Economics, 156(2022): 102791, May 2022. (Working Paper, VoxDev Column)

Productivity Losses and Firm Responses to Electricity Shortages: Evidence from Ghana” With Charles Ackah and Patrick Asuming. World Bank Economic Review, 35(1): 1-18, February 2021. (Working Paper, Appendix)

The Effect of Electricity Shortages on Firm Investment: Evidence from GhanaJournal of African Economies, 29(1): 46-62, January 2020.  (Working Paper)

An Unintended Consequence of Place-Based Policies: A Fall in Informality” With Ritam Chaurey. Economics Letters, 176(2019): 23-27, March 2019. (Working Paper)

Electricity Cost and Firm Performance: Evidence from IndiaReview of Economics and Statistics, 99(5): 839-852, December 2017. (Working Paper, Appendix, VoxDev Column)

Improving Reading Skills by Encouraging Children to Read: A Randomized Evaluation of the Sa Aklat Sisikat Reading Program in the Philippines” With Todd Kumler and Leigh Linden. Journal of Human Resources, 49(3): 611-633, Summer 2014. (Working Paper)

Work in Progress

Place-Based Policies and Migration: Evidence from India” With Ritam Chaurey and Radhika Menon.

“Training and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Ghana” With Patrick Asuming and Ritam Chaurey.

“Input Tariff Reductions, Imported Inputs and Exporting Activity”

“Input Tariff Liberalization and Consumer Prices”