Classroom Grace and Courtesy

One of the most important components of the Montessori program is teaching lessons in Grace and Courtesy. We would like to stress the importance of arriving on time in the morning by 8:55 at the latest. Our Circle Time routine is a vital aspect of each morning, as it is used to set the tone for the rest of the day. We discuss current events, the calendar, and the daily weather. Each child is also given the opportunity to share with the class any special news from home. If a child arrives to the classroom late, he or she misses this important introduction to the day and is often confused with respect to the daily schedule. A late arrival can sometimes be an interruption to the lesson in progress and a distraction to the other students.

Should your child arrive late to the classroom, please remind him/her to enter the class quietly and respectfully.

At the end of the day, (from 3:30-4:10) you may pick up your child in the classroom. If you need to pick up your child any earlier, please inform us in the morning.

Starting from the first day of school, we encourage our students to become self sufficient. This includes dressing and undressing, putting on shoes, and tidying the cubby area. To assist us in this practice, we ask that you encourage your child to do things for him/herself, and to enter the classroom independently.