5th Grade Writing Club


This November, your child has the opportunity to take part—with classmates and over 300,000 writers around the world—in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). It's a fun, innovative creative writing event where the challenge is to draft an entire novel in just 30 days.

Novelists begin writing November 1 and must finish by midnight, November 30. The goal for NaNoWriMo is 50,000 words—but your child will be participating through the Young Writers Program, which allows students l7-and-under to set their own individual word-count goals and adjust them throughout the month. Learn more about the challenge here: ywp.nanowrimo.org/pages/for-families

NaNoWriMo requires your child to write as frequently as possible. Students will be given the opportunity to write before school and during their lunch/recess. They are also welcome to write at home. At the end of November, educators and participants report improved self-confidence, as well as increased writing and time- management skills. Plus, your child will have a novel of their very own to show off!

If your child participates, your child will be using the online components of the Young Writers Program, you may want to look over the YWP site, including the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Codes of Conduct.

Participants will create profiles, write their novel on the site, and chat with their educator and other classmates in their virtual classroom. These site features are not public, and can be viewed only by other young writers. In addition, all are monitored by the NaNoWriMo staff for inappropriate content. We're proud to welcome your child to NaNoWriMo! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Warren@wcusd15.org.

Students need to be registered by 10/17/18 to participate. Register at: https://goo.gl/forms/z7II3MGSH9nkuqxZ2