Earth & Environmental Science

What is Earth & Environmental Science?

Earth science is a general term referring to any studies that relate to the earth or neighboring planets in our solar system. The four major fields in earth science include geology, the study of the earth's structure;meteorology, the study of the weather and atmosphere; oceanography, the study of the oceans; and astronomy, the study of the universe.

Environmental science is the field of science that studies the interactions of the physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment and also the relationships and effects of these components with the organisms in the environment. The field of environmental science can be divided into three main goals, which are to learn how the natural world works, to understand how we as humans interact with the environment, and also to determine how we affect the environment. The third goal of determining how humans affect the environment also includes finding ways to deal with these effects on the environment.

Earth's physical environment is traditionally divided into three major parts: the solid Earth or lithosphere (geosphere); the water portion of our planet, the hydrosphere; and Earth's gaseous envelope, the atmosphere. In addition, the interaction of these three physical realms with all living organisms (microbes, plants, and animals) make up the biosphere.

Course Syllabus

EES Syllabus Spring 2022

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Phone: Main Office: 919-694-8030