5th Grade

Thank you for visiting the SDW Parent Math Help Site.  Our hope is that this site will help you to . . .

. . . understand how math is taught in the School District of Waukesha

. . . build an understanding of math concepts, skills, and strategies

. . . find resources to practice and learn math

We want to make sure that you have an understanding of the mathematics your child will be learning in Fifth Grade. Below are documents that will be helpful throughout the year and parent letters for each unit. Thank you for visiting!

Basic Fact Strategies

Learn how to support your child/children in learning basic math facts. 



Strategies for Computational Fluency

Learn about the strategies 5th graders will use to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division computational problems.

iPad Friendly Sites


Product Game

(game trying to find four products in a row)

Factor Game

(game to find factors of numbers)


 (Identify, simplify, compare and calculate fractions) 

Math Baseball

(review all operations and levels)