specials for WLA students available from teachers at Gause

Writing Workshops

The purpose of these workshops is to ensure that students are receiving necessary skills and assistance with the different types of writing prior to the spring assessments. These workshops will be *mandatory for all students in grades 3-8. 

*Students who believe they do not need to attend the workshop will be given the opportunity to submit the writing task to the teacher prior to the workshop so the WLA teacher can evaluate the students' capability of the writing task. If the teacher determines the student has met the standards for the writing task, that student will be excused from attending the workshop. If the WLA teacher determines the student has not met the standard, then the student will still be expected to attend the the workshop and try again.

The three types of writing are narrative, persuasive, and expository (or informative).

all beginning at 2:00pm on Zoom

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Meeting ID: 854 7587 2245

Passcode: 096672


Washougal School District requires students to practice for the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) by taking Interim Assessments that teachers can then review and provide feedback to students in in an effort to improve their skills, as needed, prior to the spring assessments. These interims were chosen because they correspond to district aligned ELA and MATH essential standards. 

Although WLA will be administering the interim assessments via Zoom, parents should not assist their children, and students should not be looking things up or asking for assistance. Teachers need to see the knowledge of the student, including strengths and difficulties, and students need to practice good test-taking skills.

Interim Assessment Schedule:

all beginning at 2:00pm on Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 854 7587 2245

Passcode: 096672

Some of our past group activities!