Science Textbook 

Login with username and password

First Time for a writing prompt

Select the Grade 5 in red

Revisiting a writing prompt


#1 Have your student log into their account and go to the "Waffle". The waffle is the grid of nine small grey boxes that you find in the top right corner of your browser when you are using Google. 

#2 Scroll down to the Schoology App and click on it. 

#3 Click on Grade 5: Section 14605.   

#4 Open the folder with the date of Remote Learning desired.

#5 Progress in any order through the assignments within the folder. 

If you have connectivity issues, please just read at least 30 minutes independently or with a partner for that day. Please do your best. This is a new experience and we will be a part of history as we embark on "Remote Learning". Daily lessons will be available by 8:00 a.m.      

Please do not hesitate to communicate with me. My email address is