Sheri Meeks

Victims/Witness Advocate

 1001 Big Horn Ave. Ste. 104  Worland, Wy. 82401

Phone:  307-347-2123

The Victim/Witness Coordinator provides a variety of services to victims of all crimes in our community. The program provides services to all victims of crime, even if the offender has not been apprehended or prosecuted. The program will follow through with all prosecuted cases in the Circuit and District Court. Our program does not discriminate against any individual on the grounds of age, sex, color, race, religion, national origin,gender,sexual orientation,

gender identity  or disability.

Information and Referral

The Victim/Witness Coordinator provides both telephone and in-person contacts with victims of all crimes. Assistance in providing services or referring them to the appropriate support that they may need. Victims will also be offered the services of Victim Compensation through the Division of Victim Services of the State of Wyoming to help with any expenses that that might have occurred from the crime against them. They will also be informed of the Wyoming Victim and Witness Bill of Rights.

The victim is also oriented to the criminal justice system through an explanation of how it works and the victims right and responsibilities within the system. This includes walking the victim through the courtroom and role-playing the court scene. This also could include setting up a meeting with the County Attorney prior to court to go over what is going to be asked of them in court.

Summary of Wyoming’s

Victim and Witness Bill of Rights

Sponsoring Agency                                                                          

Wyoming Office of the

Attorney General Division of Victim Services