Open Positions

Updated April 28, 2022

Postdocs: There is currently no opening for postdocs. Sorry!

Graduate students: If you are a current or prospective graduate student in Virginia Tech's Physics, Materials Science, or Engineering program and are interested in our research, please contact Prof. Emori (

Undergraduate students: We no longer have open positions for Summer 2022. However, there may be additional openings in the future.

[For undergraduate researchers:] To contribute to our research effort, you don’t necessarily need any expert knowledge on magnetic materials. The most important skills/attributes of successful student researchers in our lab are time management, teamwork, perseverance, and enthusiasm/humbleness to try new things.

For undergraduate researchers: A grade of B- or above in PHYS 2306 (intro physics: waves, electricity, magnetism) would be desirable. Some prior experience in programming or mechanical design, though not a requirement, would be a plus.