Dear Parents,

In the beginning of the 2007 Louisiana legislative session on April 30th, Citizens for Educational Choice (CEC), formerly CEF, is unveiling an electronic advocacy tool designed to help parents of nonpublic school students connect with and influence their state legislators. Parents in our schools should sign up for this tool right away as the session has already begun. Please register on the newly created CEC website www.louisianacec.org.

The first time you do this the system will ask you to fill out a user profile with your name, street address, city, state, zip code, and email address. The system needs your zip code in order to determine your local legislators. The system will then electronically address the email you will be sending to them. Your name and address will appear at the bottom of the email. The Privacy Policy on the website clearly notes that none of your information will be given to any other entity, either by CEC or the software vendor.

This new tool is called Voter Voice and is very easy to use. Once you have registered on the CEC website you will receive Legislative Alerts from CEC’s lobbyist, Danny Loar, during the legislative session. The alert will ask you to contact your local legislator, (Senator or Representative) which you will do by clicking on an electronic link.

It is very important that the legislator reading the email know that you actually live in his or her district. They know through their campaign work what streets are in their district. The email will look like it came directly from you, thereby maximizing its impact on the legislator. CEC’s name will not be shown on the email the legislator receives from you.

You will only receive four or five of these action alerts per legislative session. Legislators want to hear from you. The entire email process will only take you 5 minutes, and you will be working effectively at defeating bills that could have a negative impact on our schools and your children.

Please join CEC’s Voter Voice advocacy network by registering at www.louisianacec.org . It will only take you a few minutes!


Carolyn A. Levet
