Extra Credit-Physics

Looking for some extra credit? Here are 4 opportunities:

1) Join & participate in Science Olympiad (SO). SO meets on TUESDAY's after school from 2:30-3:30 every week. Members study/build projects to compete in the regional SO competition to be held on Saturday, February ?????. To earn the extra credit for the first semester you must (a) meet every Tuesday after school and (b) be an active member of the team. For second semester (c) you must continue being an active member of the team, (d) meet every Tuesday, and (e) compete on competition day.

The High School Innovation Challenge

2) Join the Engineering Team. The VHS Engineering Team participates in the Northrup Grumman High School Innovation Challenge and other building projects that are student selected and student generated. Past building projects have included a robot, helium blimp that navigated a 3D obstacle course, and a solar shade for a satellite. Smaller projects included a Ruben's Tube, Oobleck dancing speaker, smoke cannons, and recently a quadcopter! To earn extra-credit you must (a) meet regularly during the established time after school from 2:30-4:00 and (b) actively participate in the activities.

High School Photo Contest Logo

3) The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) hosts a physics photo contest. To participate, go HERE and read the competition rules. DO NOT SUBMIT any photo's without Mr. O's endorsement!! But instead, turn all necessary part into Mr. O'Neill by FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28, 2014. This will allow time for classes to vote on the best representative photos to send into the competition. To qualify for the extra credit you must (a) take an original photo, (b) print the photo on photo paper, (c) provide a digital copy of the photo, (d) write, at the minimum, 1/2 page explanation of the physics associated with your photo (e) follow the entry rules provided on AAPT's website.

4) Physics Video Contest - The local chapter of AAPT in Southern California (SCAAPT) hosts a physics video contest with a CA$H AWARD to the winning student! To learn the details of entry go HERE and look at examples and follow the rules!! For extra credit you must (a) follow all rules posted by the contest, (b) turn in your video no later than 2 weeks before the deadline, (c) provide a 1/2 page written summary of the physics involved/demonstrated, (d) create an original video, (e) provide a digital copy of the video to Mr. O'Neill.